Exact Match:
- demonstrative
- given to or marked by the open expression of emotion; "an affectionate and demonstrative family"
- serving to demonstrate
- Christophanic,
- Satanophanic,
- accessible,
- adoring,
- affectional,
- affectionate,
- affective,
- allegorizing,
- angelophanic,
- annotative,
- apodictic,
- appearing,
- approachable,
- candid,
- clarifying,
- communicative,
- conjugal,
- connotative,
- conversable,
- critical,
- demonstrating,
- demonstrational,
- demythologizing,
- denominative,
- denotative,
- designative,
- devoted,
- diagnostic,
- disclosive,
- displaying,
- editorial,
- effusive,
- elucidative,
- emblematic,
- emotiometabolic,
- emotiomotor,
- emotional,
- emotiovascular,
- emotive,
- enlightening,
- epiphanic,
- euhemeristic,
- evident,
- evidential,
- evincive,
- exegetic,
- exemplificative,
- exhibitive,
- expansive,
- explaining,
- explanatory,
- explicative,
- explicatory,
- expositional,
- expositive,
- expository,
- expressive,
- extroverted,
- faithful,
- feeling,
- figural,
- figurative,
- filial,
- fond,
- frank,
- free,
- free-speaking,
- free-spoken,
- free-tongued,
- glandular,
- glossarial,
- gossipy,
- gut,
- husbandly,
- identifying,
- ideographic,
- idiosyncratic,
- illuminating,
- illuminative,
- illustrative,
- implicative,
- incarnating,
- incarnational,
- indicating,
- indicative,
- indicatory,
- individual,
- languishing,
- lovelorn,
- lovesick,
- lovesome,
- loving,
- manifestative,
- materializing,
- maternal,
- meaningful,
- melting,
- metaphorical,
- naming,
- newsy,
- of soul,
- open,
- outgoing,
- outpouring,
- outspoken,
- overdemonstrative,
- parental,
- paternal,
- pathognomonic,
- peculiar,
- plain,
- pneumatophanic,
- presentational,
- probative,
- profuse,
- promulgatory,
- provable,
- rationalistic,
- rationalizing,
- representative,
- revelational,
- revelatory,
- romantic,
- scholiastic,
- self-revealing,
- self-revelatory,
- semantic,
- semiotic,
- sentimental,
- showing,
- signalizing,
- significant,
- significative,
- signifying,
- sociable,
- soft,
- soulful,
- suggestive,
- symbolic,
- symbolistic,
- symbological,
- symptomatic,
- symptomatologic,
- talkative,
- tender,
- theophanic,
- typical,
- unconstrained,
- unhampered,
- unrepressed,
- unreserved,
- unrestrained,
- unrestricted,
- unreticent,
- unsecretive,
- unshrinking,
- unsilent,
- unsuppressed,
- uxorious,
- visceral,
- warm,
- wifely