Exact Match:
- despondency
- feeling downcast and disheartened and hopeless
- Schmerz,
- Slough of Despond,
- acedia,
- apathy,
- blank despondency,
- cave of Trophonius,
- cave of despair,
- death wish,
- dejectedness,
- dejection,
- depression,
- despair,
- desperateness,
- desperation,
- despondentness,
- disconsolateness,
- discouragement,
- disheartenment,
- dispiritedness,
- down trip,
- downcastness,
- downer,
- downheartedness,
- drooping spirits,
- forlornness,
- heartlessness,
- hopelessness,
- low spirits,
- lowness,
- lowness of spirit,
- malaise,
- no exit,
- no way,
- no way out,
- oppression,
- pessimism,
- self-destructive urge,
- sinking heart,
- sloth,
- spiritlessness,
- suicidal despair,
- taedium vitae,
- weariness of life