Exact Match:
- dualism
- the doctrine that reality consists of two basic opposing elements, often taken to be mind and matter (or mind and body), or good and evil
- Janus,
- acosmism,
- allotheism,
- ambiguity,
- ambivalence,
- anthropolatry,
- anthropomorphism,
- anthropotheism,
- autotheism,
- biformity,
- bifurcation,
- conjugation,
- cosmotheism,
- deism,
- dichotomy,
- ditheism,
- doubleness,
- doublethink,
- doubling,
- duality,
- duplexity,
- duplication,
- duplicity,
- dyotheism,
- equivocality,
- halving,
- henotheism,
- hylotheism,
- irony,
- monolatry,
- monotheism,
- multitheism,
- myriotheism,
- pairing,
- pantheism,
- physicomorphism,
- physitheism,
- pluralism,
- polarity,
- polytheism,
- psychotheism,
- tetratheism,
- theism,
- theopantism,
- theriotheism,
- tritheism,
- twinning,
- two-facedness,
- twoness,
- zootheism