Exact Match:
- easy
- obtained with little effort or sacrifice, often obtained illegally; "easy money"
- less in demand and therefore readily obtainable; "commodities are easy this quarter"
- casual and unrestrained in sexual behavior; "her easy virtue"; "he was told to avoid loose (or light) women"; "wanton behavior"
- affording comfort; "soft light that was easy on the eyes"
- not strict; "an easy teacher"; "easy standards"; "lenient rules"; "an easy penalty"
- posing no difficulty; requiring little effort; "an easy job"; "an easy problem"; "an easy victory"; "the house is easy to heat"; "satisfied with easy answers"; "took the easy way out of his dilemma"
- free from worry or anxiety; "knowing that I had done my best, my mind was easy"; "an easy good-natured manner"; "by the time the chsild faced the actual problem of reading she was familiar and at ease with all the elements words"
- marked by moderate steepness; "an easy climb"; "a gentle slope"
- having little impact; "an easy pat on the shoulder"; "gentle rain"; "a gentle breeze"; "a soft (or light) tapping at the window"
- not hurried or forced; "an easy walk around the block"; "at a leisurely (or easygoing) pace"
- affording pleasure; "easy good looks"
- readily exploited or tricked; "an easy victim"; "an easy mark"
- in a relaxed manner; or without hardship; "just wanted to take it easy" (`soft' is nonstandard)
- Attic,
- Bohemian,
- Ciceronian,
- Mickey Mouse,
- Paphian,
- accepting,
- accommodating,
- acquiescent,
- affable,
- affluent,
- agreeable,
- ambling,
- amenable,
- amiable,
- amicable,
- apparent,
- at ease,
- at home,
- at rest,
- bagging,
- baggy,
- blase,
- bone-lazy,
- bonhomous,
- budget,
- cadging,
- calm,
- calmly,
- cannily,
- carefree,
- carefully,
- careless,
- casual,
- casually,
- cautious,
- cautiously,
- chambering,
- charmed,
- chaste,
- cheap,
- circumspect,
- circumspectly,
- classic,
- claudicant,
- clear,
- clear-cut,
- clement,
- comfortable,
- comfortably situated,
- comfy,
- commodious,
- compassionate,
- complaisant,
- compliant,
- composed,
- content,
- contented,
- convenient,
- cordial,
- cosy,
- cozy,
- crawling,
- credulous,
- creeping,
- cullible,
- cushioned,
- cushiony,
- cushy,
- dainty,
- dangling,
- deceivable,
- degage,
- deliberate,
- delicate,
- delighted,
- deludable,
- devil-may-care,
- dilatory,
- direct,
- discreetly,
- distinct,
- do-nothing,
- docile,
- doless,
- down-to-earth,
- dronish,
- drony,
- drooping,
- dupable,
- easeful,
- easy as pie,
- easy-natured,
- easygoing,
- economic,
- economy,
- effortless,
- effortlessly,
- elegant,
- elementary,
- ergophobic,
- eupeptic,
- euphoric,
- even,
- evident,
- exhilarated,
- exploitable,
- facile,
- faineant,
- faltering,
- familiar,
- favorably impressed with,
- finished,
- flagging,
- flapping,
- flexible,
- flowing,
- fluent,
- folksy,
- foolable,
- foolproof,
- foot-dragging,
- forbearant,
- forbearing,
- forgiving,
- free and easy,
- friendly,
- frugal,
- genial,
- gentle,
- gingerly,
- glad,
- gladsome,
- glib,
- good-for-nothing,
- good-humored,
- good-natured,
- good-tempered,
- graceful,
- gracile,
- gracious,
- gradual,
- gratified,
- green,
- guardedly,
- gullible,
- halting,
- hands down,
- hanging,
- happy,
- hasteless,
- haymish,
- heedfully,
- hoaxable,
- hobbled,
- hobbling,
- homelike,
- homely,
- homey,
- hoodwinkable,
- humane,
- humbugable,
- idle,
- impotent,
- imprecise,
- in clover,
- in good case,
- in luxury,
- inactive,
- indifferent,
- indolent,
- indulgent,
- inexpensive,
- informal,
- ingenuous,
- intrigued,
- irregular,
- judiciously,
- lackadaisical,
- laggard,
- languid,
- languorous,
- lax,
- lazy,
- leisurely,
- lenient,
- light,
- limpid,
- limping,
- lived-in,
- loose,
- loose-moraled,
- low,
- low-priced,
- lucid,
- lumbering,
- luxurious,
- manageable,
- manifest,
- mellow,
- mellowy,
- merciful,
- mild,
- mindfully,
- moderate,
- modest,
- mollified,
- naive,
- natural,
- neat,
- negligent,
- nominal,
- nonaggressive,
- nonchalant,
- nonchalantly,
- nonresistive,
- nonrigid,
- nothing to it,
- obvious,
- of easy virtue,
- of good comfort,
- of loose morals,
- offhand,
- offhanded,
- on Easy Street,
- on velvet,
- outgoing,
- overindulgent,
- overpermissive,
- painless,
- parasitic,
- patient,
- pawkily,
- peaceful,
- peacefully,
- pellucid,
- permissive,
- perspicuous,
- persuadable,
- plain,
- pleased,
- pleased as Punch,
- pleased with,
- pleasing,
- pliant,
- poking,
- poky,
- polished,
- procrastinative,
- promiscuous,
- prosperous,
- prudently,
- pure,
- quiet,
- reasonable,
- reconciled,
- refined,
- regardfully,
- relaxed,
- relaxing,
- reluctant,
- remiss,
- reposeful,
- resigned,
- restful,
- restrained,
- rickety,
- roomy,
- round,
- royal,
- sans souci,
- satisfied,
- sauntering,
- scrounging,
- seduceable,
- sensible,
- serene,
- serenely,
- shabby,
- shaky,
- shiftless,
- shoddy,
- shuffling,
- simple,
- simple as ABC,
- slack,
- slipshod,
- sloppy,
- slothful,
- slow,
- slow as death,
- slow as molasses,
- slow as slow,
- slow-crawling,
- slow-foot,
- slow-going,
- slow-legged,
- slow-moving,
- slow-paced,
- slow-poky,
- slow-running,
- slow-sailing,
- slow-stepped,
- sluggish,
- smooth,
- snail-paced,
- snaillike,
- snug,
- sociable,
- soft,
- soft as putty,
- softened,
- sold on,
- sponging,
- staggering,
- steady,
- straightforward,
- streaming,
- strolling,
- submissive,
- successful,
- suggestible,
- sweet,
- sweet-tempered,
- taken with,
- tasteful,
- temperately,
- tender,
- tentative,
- terse,
- thrilled,
- tickled,
- tickled pink,
- tickled to death,
- toddling,
- token,
- tolerant,
- tortoiselike,
- tottering,
- tractable,
- tranquil,
- tranquilly,
- trim,
- tripping,
- trudging,
- trusting,
- turtlelike,
- unaffected,
- unassuming,
- unburdensome,
- unceremonious,
- uncomplaining,
- uncomplicated,
- uncompounded,
- unconcerned,
- unconstrained,
- unconventional,
- undemanding,
- undisturbed,
- unenterprising,
- unexacting,
- unexpensive,
- unhasty,
- unhurried,
- uninvolved,
- unlabored,
- unofficial,
- unrepining,
- unreserved,
- unrestrained,
- unsophisticated,
- unstrained,
- unstudied,
- untroubled,
- untroublesome,
- victimizable,
- waddling,
- wanton,
- warm,
- wayward,
- weak,
- wealthy,
- well-natured,
- whisper-soft,
- whorish,
- with care,
- with caution,
- within means,
- without care,
- work-shy,
- worth the money