without sharpness or clearness of edge or point; "the dullness of the pencil made his writing illegible"
lack of sensibility; "there was a dullness in his heart"; "without him the dullness of her life crept into her work no matter how she tried to compartmentalize it."
a lack of visual brightness; "the brightness of the orange sky was reflected in the dullness of the orange sea"
the quality of lacking interestingness; "the stories were of a dullness to bring a buffalo to its knees"
angered at something unjust or wrong; "an indignant denial"; "incensed at the judges' unfairness"; "a look of outraged disbelief"; "umbrageous at the loss of their territory"
with discretion; prudently and with wise self-restraint; "I sent for the sergeant of the platoon both men were in and asked him to try to find out discreetly what lay behind this"
spread or diffuse through; "An atmosphere of distrust has permeated this administration"; "music penetrated the entire building"; "His campaign was riddled with accusations and personal attacks"