Exact Match:
- elasticity
- the tendency of a body to return to its original shape after it has been stretched or compressed; "the waistband had lost its snap"
- adaptability,
- adjustability,
- agreeability,
- amenability,
- beef,
- beefiness,
- bendability,
- brawn,
- brawniness,
- ductibility,
- ductility,
- extendibility,
- extensibility,
- facility,
- fictility,
- flexibility,
- flexility,
- flexuousness,
- formativeness,
- give,
- heftiness,
- huskiness,
- impressionability,
- involuntary muscle,
- limberness,
- litheness,
- malleability,
- moldability,
- muscle,
- muscularity,
- musculature,
- physique,
- plasticity,
- pliability,
- pliancy,
- receptiveness,
- resilience,
- responsiveness,
- rubberiness,
- sensibility,
- sensitiveness,
- sequacity,
- sinew,
- sinewiness,
- sinews,
- springiness,
- stretch,
- stretchability,
- stretchiness,
- submissiveness,
- suppleness,
- susceptibility,
- tensileness,
- tensility,
- thew,
- thewiness,
- thews,
- tolerance,
- tone,
- tractability,
- tractility,
- voluntary muscle,
- willowiness