Exact Match:
- elevated
- raised above the ground; "an elevated platform"
- raised above ground level; on elevated rails; "elevated railway"
- Amtrak,
- Gongoresque,
- Johnsonian,
- L,
- Olympian,
- accelerated,
- aerial,
- affected,
- afflicted,
- aggrandized,
- airy,
- altitudinous,
- amplified,
- animated,
- apotheosized,
- ascending,
- aspiring,
- augmented,
- august,
- awesome,
- baggage train,
- beatified,
- bedizened,
- beefed-up,
- bent,
- big,
- big-sounding,
- bighearted,
- bloated,
- boiled,
- bombed,
- boosted,
- boozy,
- branch,
- broadened,
- cable railroad,
- cable railway,
- canned,
- canonized,
- cheerful,
- chivalrous,
- choo-choo,
- cockeyed,
- cockeyed drunk,
- cog railroad,
- cog railway,
- colossal,
- convoluted,
- crocked,
- crocko,
- declamatory,
- deepened,
- deified,
- dignified,
- distinguished,
- dominating,
- el,
- elated,
- electric,
- electric railway,
- electric train,
- elevated railway,
- eloquent,
- embankment,
- eminent,
- enhanced,
- enlarged,
- ennobled,
- enshrined,
- enthroned,
- erect,
- ethereal,
- ethical,
- euphuistic,
- exalted,
- excellent,
- exhilarated,
- expanded,
- express,
- express train,
- extended,
- famous,
- feeder,
- feeder line,
- flamboyant,
- flaming,
- flashy,
- flaunting,
- flier,
- formal,
- freight,
- freight train,
- freighter,
- fried,
- fuddled,
- fulsome,
- funicular,
- garish,
- gaudy,
- generous,
- glad,
- glorified,
- glorious,
- godlike,
- goods train,
- grand,
- grandiloquent,
- grandiose,
- grandisonant,
- grave,
- gravity-operated railway,
- great,
- great of heart,
- greathearted,
- half-seas over,
- handsome,
- happy,
- haughty,
- heightened,
- held in awe,
- heroic,
- high,
- high and mighty,
- high-flowing,
- high-flown,
- high-flying,
- high-headed,
- high-minded,
- high-nosed,
- high-pitched,
- high-reaching,
- high-set,
- high-sounding,
- high-toned,
- high-up,
- highfalutin,
- highfaluting,
- hiked,
- honorable,
- horse railway,
- idealistic,
- illuminated,
- illustrious,
- immortal,
- immortalized,
- imposing,
- impressive,
- increased,
- inflated,
- inkhorn,
- inspiring,
- intensified,
- interurban,
- jazzed up,
- joyful,
- junction,
- knightly,
- labyrinthine,
- largehearted,
- lauded,
- lexiphanic,
- liberal,
- lifted,
- light railroad,
- lightning express,
- limited,
- line,
- lit,
- lit up,
- loaded,
- local,
- lofty,
- lubricated,
- lurid,
- lushy,
- magnanimous,
- magnificent,
- magnified,
- magniloquent,
- main line,
- majestic,
- meretricious,
- metro,
- mighty,
- milk train,
- monorail,
- monumental,
- moral,
- mounting,
- moving,
- multiplied,
- muzzy,
- noble,
- noble-minded,
- notable,
- oiled,
- on stilts,
- openhanded,
- organized,
- orotund,
- ostentatious,
- outtopping,
- overdone,
- overelaborate,
- overinvolved,
- overlooking,
- overtopping,
- overwrought,
- parliamentary,
- parliamentary train,
- passenger train,
- pedantic,
- pickled,
- pie-eyed,
- pissed,
- pissy-eyed,
- plastered,
- polluted,
- pompous,
- potted,
- pretentious,
- princely,
- proliferated,
- prominent,
- rack railway,
- rack-and-pinion railroad,
- rack-and-pinion railway,
- raddled,
- rail,
- rail line,
- railroad,
- railroad train,
- railway,
- raised,
- rampant,
- rattler,
- reinforced,
- renowned,
- rhetorical,
- righteous,
- roadbed,
- roadway,
- rolling stock,
- sainted,
- sanctified,
- sensational,
- sensationalistic,
- sententious,
- serious,
- shellacked,
- showy,
- shrined,
- shuttle,
- shuttle train,
- sidetrack,
- siding,
- skunk-drunk,
- smashed,
- soaked,
- soaring,
- solemn,
- sonorous,
- soused,
- special,
- spiring,
- spread,
- squiffy,
- stately,
- steep,
- stewed,
- stiffened,
- stilted,
- stinko,
- streamliner,
- street railway,
- streetcar line,
- strengthened,
- sublime,
- subway,
- superb,
- supereminent,
- superlative,
- supernal,
- swacked,
- switchback,
- swollen,
- tall,
- tanked,
- terminal,
- terminus,
- throned,
- tight,
- tightened,
- topless,
- toplofty,
- topping,
- tortuous,
- towering,
- towery,
- track,
- train,
- tram,
- tramline,
- trestle,
- trolley line,
- trunk,
- trunk line,
- tube,
- turnout,
- underground,
- upcast,
- upflung,
- uplifted,
- upraised,
- upreared,
- upright,
- upstanding,
- upthrown,
- virtuous,
- way train,
- weighty,
- widened