Exact Match:
- euphoria
- a feeling of great (usually exaggerated) elation
- abstraction,
- abulia,
- acceptance,
- alienation,
- amusement,
- animal pleasure,
- anxiety,
- anxiety equivalent,
- anxiety state,
- apathy,
- bodily pleasure,
- carnal delight,
- catatonic stupor,
- comfort,
- composure,
- compulsion,
- content,
- contentedness,
- contentment,
- coziness,
- creature comforts,
- dejection,
- depression,
- detachment,
- ease,
- ecstasy,
- elation,
- emotionalism,
- endpleasure,
- enjoyment,
- entertainment,
- entire satisfaction,
- exaltation,
- exhilaration,
- folie du doute,
- forepleasure,
- frenzy,
- fruition,
- fulfillment,
- fun,
- glee,
- gratification,
- great satisfaction,
- gusto,
- happiness,
- hearty enjoyment,
- hypochondria,
- hysteria,
- hysterics,
- indifference,
- insensibility,
- intellectual pleasure,
- intoxication,
- joie de vivre,
- keen pleasure,
- kicks,
- lethargy,
- luxury,
- madness,
- mania,
- melancholia,
- mental distress,
- obsession,
- pathological indecisiveness,
- peace of mind,
- physical pleasure,
- pleasure,
- preoccupation,
- psychalgia,
- psychomotor disturbance,
- quiet pleasure,
- reconcilement,
- reconciliation,
- relish,
- resignation,
- satisfaction,
- self-gratification,
- self-indulgence,
- sensual pleasure,
- sensuous pleasure,
- sexual pleasure,
- stupor,
- sweetness of life,
- tic,
- titillation,
- twitching,
- unresponsiveness,
- voluptuousness,
- well-being,
- withdrawal,
- zest