Exact Match:
- facile
- performing adroitly and without effort; "a facile hand"
- arrived at without due care or effort; lacking depth; "too facile a solution for so complex a problem"
- Mickey Mouse,
- adaptable,
- adroit,
- apt,
- bendable,
- bending,
- biddable,
- bright,
- casual,
- clear,
- clever,
- compliant,
- cursory,
- cushy,
- deft,
- dexterous,
- dib,
- docile,
- ductile,
- easy,
- easy as pie,
- educable,
- effortless,
- elastic,
- elegant,
- extensible,
- extensile,
- fabricable,
- fictile,
- flexible,
- flexile,
- flexuous,
- flowing,
- fluent,
- formable,
- formative,
- giving,
- glib,
- graceful,
- impressible,
- impressionable,
- instructable,
- intelligent,
- light,
- like putty,
- limber,
- lissome,
- lithe,
- lithesome,
- malleable,
- moldable,
- motivated,
- nothing to it,
- painless,
- plain,
- plastic,
- pleasing,
- pliable,
- pliant,
- quick,
- ready,
- receptive,
- responsive,
- ripe for instruction,
- royal,
- schoolable,
- sensitive,
- sequacious,
- shallow,
- shapable,
- simple,
- simple as ABC,
- smooth,
- soft,
- springy,
- straightforward,
- submissive,
- superficial,
- supple,
- susceptible,
- teachable,
- thirsty for knowledge,
- tractable,
- tractile,
- trainable,
- tripping,
- unburdensome,
- uncomplicated,
- uncritical,
- untroublesome,
- voluble,
- whippy,
- willing,
- willowy,
- yielding