Exact Match:
- false
- (used especially of persons) not dependable in devotion or affection; unfaithful; "a false friend"; "when lovers prove untrue"
- arising from error; "a false assumption"; "a mistaken view of the situation"
- inaccurate in pitch; "a false (or sour) note"; "her singing was off key"
- designed to deceive; "a suitcase with a false bottom"
- deliberately deceptive; "hollow (or false) promises"; "false pretenses"
- not in accordance with the fact or reality or actuality; "gave false testimony under oath"; "false tales of bravery"
- erroneous and usually accidental; "a false start"; "a false alarm"
- Barmecidal,
- Barmecide,
- Machiavellian,
- Tartuffian,
- Tartuffish,
- aberrant,
- abroad,
- adrift,
- affected,
- airy,
- all abroad,
- all off,
- all wrong,
- ambidextrous,
- amiss,
- apostate,
- apparent,
- apparitional,
- artful,
- artificial,
- askew,
- astray,
- at fault,
- autistic,
- awry,
- backsliding,
- baseborn,
- bastard,
- beguiling,
- beside the mark,
- bogus,
- brummagem,
- calculating,
- canting,
- catchy,
- chimeric,
- chiseling,
- collusive,
- concocted,
- contrary to fact,
- corrupt,
- counterfeit,
- counterfeited,
- covinous,
- crafty,
- crooked,
- cunning,
- deceitful,
- deceiving,
- deceptive,
- defective,
- deluding,
- delusional,
- delusionary,
- delusive,
- delusory,
- dereistic,
- derelict,
- deviant,
- deviational,
- deviative,
- devious,
- disaffected,
- dishonest,
- disloyal,
- distorted,
- double,
- double-dealing,
- double-faced,
- double-minded,
- double-tongued,
- doublehearted,
- dreamlike,
- dreamy,
- dubious,
- dummy,
- duplicitous,
- errant,
- erring,
- erroneous,
- ersatz,
- fabricated,
- factitious,
- faithless,
- fake,
- faked,
- fallacious,
- false-principled,
- falsehearted,
- fantastic,
- faultful,
- faulty,
- feigned,
- fickle,
- fictitious,
- finagling,
- fishy,
- flawed,
- forged,
- fraudulent,
- furtive,
- goody,
- goody-goody,
- guileful,
- hallucinatory,
- heretical,
- heterodox,
- holier-than-thou,
- hollow,
- hypocritical,
- illegitimate,
- illogical,
- illusional,
- illusionary,
- illusive,
- illusory,
- imaginary,
- imitation,
- imprecise,
- in error,
- inaccurate,
- inconstant,
- incorrect,
- indirect,
- inexact,
- insidious,
- insincere,
- invalid,
- lying,
- made-up,
- manufactured,
- mealymouthed,
- mendacious,
- meretricious,
- misbegotten,
- miscreated,
- misleading,
- mistaken,
- mock,
- not right,
- not true,
- not true to,
- of bad faith,
- off,
- off the track,
- ostensible,
- out,
- peccant,
- perfidious,
- perverse,
- perverted,
- phantasmagoric,
- phantasmal,
- phantom,
- pharisaic,
- phony,
- pietistic,
- pinchbeck,
- pious,
- pseudo,
- questionable,
- recreant,
- renegade,
- sanctified,
- sanctimonious,
- scheming,
- seeming,
- self-contradictory,
- self-deceptive,
- self-deluding,
- self-righteous,
- sham,
- sharp,
- shifty,
- simulated,
- slippery,
- sneaky,
- snide,
- sniveling,
- specious,
- spectral,
- spurious,
- straying,
- substitute,
- supposititious,
- surreptitious,
- synthetic,
- traitorous,
- treacherous,
- trickish,
- tricksy,
- tricky,
- trothless,
- truthless,
- two-faced,
- unactual,
- unctuous,
- underhand,
- underhanded,
- unfactual,
- unfaithful,
- unfounded,
- unloyal,
- unnatural,
- unorthodox,
- unproved,
- unreal,
- unsound,
- unsteadfast,
- unsubstantial,
- untrue,
- untrustworthy,
- untruthful,
- visionary,
- wide,
- wily,
- wrong