Exact Match:
- feudalism
- the social system that developed in Europe in the 8th century; vassals were protected by lords who they had to serve in war
- Nazism,
- absolutism,
- bond service,
- bondage,
- captivity,
- centralism,
- collectivism,
- communism,
- constitutionalism,
- control,
- debt slavery,
- democratism,
- deprivation of freedom,
- disenfranchisement,
- disfranchisement,
- domination,
- enslavement,
- enthrallment,
- fascism,
- federalism,
- feudality,
- governmentalism,
- helotism,
- helotry,
- imperialism,
- indentureship,
- monarchism,
- national socialism,
- neofascism,
- parliamentarianism,
- parliamentarism,
- peonage,
- pluralism,
- political principles,
- republicanism,
- restraint,
- royalism,
- serfdom,
- serfhood,
- servility,
- servitude,
- slavery,
- socialism,
- statism,
- subjection,
- subjugation,
- thrall,
- thralldom,
- tyranny,
- vassalage,
- villenage