Exact Match:
- filly
- a young female horse under the age of four
- Houyhnhnm,
- Partlet,
- babe,
- baby,
- biddy,
- bitch,
- bossy,
- broad,
- brood mare,
- charger,
- chick,
- colleen,
- colt,
- courser,
- cow,
- critter,
- cutie,
- dame,
- damoiselle,
- damsel,
- demoiselle,
- dobbin,
- doe,
- doll,
- entire,
- entire horse,
- equine,
- ewe,
- ewe lamb,
- foal,
- frail,
- gal,
- gelding,
- girl,
- girlie,
- guinea hen,
- gyp,
- heifer,
- hen,
- hind,
- horse,
- hoyden,
- jenny,
- jeune fille,
- jill,
- junior miss,
- lass,
- lassie,
- lioness,
- little missy,
- mademoiselle,
- maid,
- maiden,
- mare,
- miss,
- missy,
- mount,
- nag,
- nanny,
- nanny goat,
- nymphet,
- peahen,
- piece,
- prancer,
- roe,
- romp,
- schoolgirl,
- schoolmaid,
- schoolmiss,
- she-bear,
- she-goat,
- she-lion,
- skirt,
- slip,
- slut,
- sow,
- stallion,
- steed,
- stud,
- studhorse,
- subdeb,
- subdebutante,
- subteen,
- subteener,
- tarpan,
- teenybopper,
- tigress,
- tomato,
- tomboy,
- top horse,
- virgin,
- vixen,
- war-horse,
- wench,
- wild horse,
- young creature,
- young thing