Exact Match:
- fine
- money extracted as a penalty
- characterized by elegance or refinement or accomplishment; "fine wine"; "looking fine in her Easter suit"; "a fine gentleman"; "fine china and crystal"; "a fine violinist"; "the fine hand of a master"
- minutely precise especially in differences in meaning; "a fine distinction"
- free from impurities; having a high or specified degree of purity; "gold 21 carats fine"
- of textures that are smooth to the touch or substances consisting of relatively small particles; "wood with a fine grain"; "fine powdery snow"; "fine rain"; "batiste is a cotton fabric with a fine weave"; "covered with a fine film of dust"
- thin in thickness or diameter; "a fine film of oil"; "fine hairs"; "read the fine print"
- Babylonian,
- Corinthian,
- OK,
- Roger,
- absolutely,
- abstruse,
- accomplished,
- accurate,
- acrid,
- acute,
- admirable,
- adulterated,
- advantageous,
- aesthetic,
- aesthetically appealing,
- affable,
- agreeable,
- airy,
- alive and kicking,
- all right,
- alright,
- alrighty,
- amen,
- amerce,
- amercement,
- amiable,
- amicable,
- amusing,
- appreciative,
- arabesque,
- aright,
- as you say,
- assessment,
- assuredly,
- attentive,
- attenuate,
- attenuated,
- attractive,
- auspicious,
- awe-inspiring,
- awful,
- aye,
- balmy,
- barbaric,
- baroque,
- beauteous,
- beautiful,
- beneficial,
- benevolent,
- bitsy,
- bitty,
- blissful,
- bon,
- bonny,
- bonzer,
- boyish,
- branny,
- braw,
- bright,
- bright and fair,
- bright-eyed and bushy-tailed,
- brilliant,
- bueno,
- busy,
- by all means,
- capital,
- capitally,
- certainly,
- chalklike,
- chalky,
- champion,
- charge,
- cheerful,
- chichi,
- chipper,
- choice,
- civilized,
- clear,
- close,
- cloudless,
- cogent,
- comely,
- commendable,
- comminute,
- comminuted,
- compatible,
- complaisant,
- confiscate,
- congenial,
- conscientious,
- constant,
- consummate,
- cool,
- cordial,
- correct,
- critical,
- crushed,
- cryptic,
- cultivated,
- cultured,
- cut,
- cute,
- cutting,
- da,
- dainty,
- damages,
- dandy,
- delicat,
- delicate,
- deluxe,
- demanding,
- desirable,
- detailed,
- detrital,
- detrited,
- diaphanous,
- differential,
- dilute,
- diluted,
- direct,
- discriminate,
- discriminating,
- discriminative,
- disintegrated,
- distinctive,
- distinguishing,
- distrain,
- distraint,
- distress,
- double-edged,
- downy,
- dry,
- dulcet,
- dusty,
- edged,
- efflorescent,
- elaborate,
- elegant,
- en rapport,
- endowed with beauty,
- enigmatic,
- enjoyable,
- enjoying health,
- entertaining,
- escheat,
- escheatment,
- esoteric,
- estimable,
- estreat,
- ethereal,
- eupeptic,
- even,
- exact,
- exacting,
- exactly,
- excellent,
- excellently,
- exceptional,
- exigent,
- expedient,
- express,
- exquisite,
- extravagant,
- eye-filling,
- fair,
- fair and pleasant,
- faithful,
- famous,
- famously,
- fancy,
- farinaceous,
- fastidious,
- favorable,
- featheredged,
- fee,
- felicific,
- felicitous,
- filamentous,
- filmy,
- fine-drawn,
- fine-grained,
- finely,
- finespun,
- finical,
- finicking,
- finicky,
- first-class,
- first-rate,
- firsts,
- fit,
- fit and fine,
- flaky,
- flamboyant,
- flimsy,
- florid,
- floury,
- flowerlike,
- flowery,
- fluffy,
- forfeit,
- forfeiture,
- frail,
- frilly,
- full of beans,
- furfuraceous,
- fussy,
- fuzzy,
- gaseous,
- gauzy,
- genial,
- girlish,
- glorious,
- gone to dust,
- good,
- good enough,
- good-looking,
- goodly,
- gossamer,
- gossamery,
- graceful,
- gracile,
- gracious,
- grand,
- grandiose,
- grated,
- grateful,
- gratifying,
- great,
- ground,
- hair-splitting,
- hairline,
- hairsplitting,
- handsome,
- harmonious,
- healthful,
- healthy,
- hear,
- heart-warming,
- heavy,
- helpful,
- high-grade,
- high-wrought,
- honeyed,
- impalpable,
- imposing,
- impressive,
- in condition,
- in fine fettle,
- in fine whack,
- in good case,
- in good health,
- in good shape,
- in health,
- in high feather,
- in mint condition,
- in shape,
- in the pink,
- indeed,
- indeedy,
- inerrable,
- inerrant,
- infallible,
- insubstantial,
- interesting,
- itsy-bitsy,
- ja,
- just so,
- keen,
- keen-edged,
- kind,
- knifelike,
- labored,
- lacy,
- laudable,
- levigated,
- levy,
- levy a distress,
- light,
- likable,
- loose,
- lovely,
- luxuriant,
- luxurious,
- magnificent,
- mais oui,
- majestic,
- masterly,
- mathematical,
- mealy,
- mellifluous,
- mellow,
- meritorious,
- meticulous,
- micrometrically precise,
- microscopic,
- milled,
- minute,
- misty,
- moresque,
- most assuredly,
- mulct,
- narrow,
- naturally,
- naturellement,
- neat,
- nice,
- nicely,
- noble,
- obscure,
- of course,
- okay,
- ornate,
- ostentatious,
- oui,
- outstanding,
- overelaborate,
- overelegant,
- overlabored,
- overworked,
- overwrought,
- palatial,
- papery,
- particular,
- peachy,
- peewee,
- penalize,
- penalty,
- pestled,
- petty,
- picturesque,
- pinpoint,
- pleasant,
- pleasing,
- pleasurable,
- pleasure-giving,
- pleasureful,
- plush,
- pointed,
- polished,
- porous,
- posh,
- positively,
- powdered,
- powdery,
- precise,
- precisely,
- precisianistic,
- precisionistic,
- pretty,
- pretty-pretty,
- prime,
- princely,
- profitable,
- proud,
- pubescent,
- pulchritudinous,
- pulverant,
- pulverized,
- pulverulent,
- punctilious,
- punctual,
- punishment,
- quality,
- quite,
- rainless,
- rare,
- rarefied,
- rather,
- razor-edged,
- really,
- recondite,
- reduced to powder,
- refined,
- regal,
- religious,
- religiously exact,
- reparation,
- rewarding,
- rich,
- right,
- righto,
- rigid,
- rigorous,
- ripping,
- ritzy,
- robust,
- rococo,
- royal,
- royally,
- satin,
- satiny,
- satisfactory,
- satisfying,
- scaly,
- scientific,
- scientifically exact,
- scobicular,
- scobiform,
- sconce,
- scrupulous,
- scrutinizing,
- scurfy,
- seemly,
- select,
- selective,
- sensitive,
- sequestrate,
- set,
- severe,
- sharded,
- sharp,
- sheer,
- shredded,
- silky,
- skillful,
- slender,
- slenderish,
- slight,
- slight-made,
- slim,
- slimmish,
- slinky,
- small,
- smooth,
- sophisticated,
- sound,
- splendacious,
- splendid,
- splendidly,
- splendiferous,
- square,
- stately,
- strict,
- striking,
- subtile,
- subtle,
- sumptuous,
- sunny,
- superb,
- superfancy,
- superfine,
- superior,
- supreme,
- sure,
- sure thing,
- surely,
- svelte,
- swank,
- swanky,
- sweet,
- swell,
- sylphlike,
- tactful,
- tax,
- teeny,
- teeny-weeny,
- tenuous,
- thin,
- thin-bodied,
- thin-set,
- thin-spun,
- thinned,
- thinned-out,
- thinnish,
- threadlike,
- tiny,
- to be sure,
- top-drawer,
- trifling,
- triturated,
- truly,
- two-edged,
- uncompact,
- uncompressed,
- undarkened,
- undeviating,
- unerring,
- unsubstantial,
- useful,
- vague,
- valid,
- vaporous,
- velutinous,
- velvety,
- very good,
- very well,
- virtuoso,
- virtuous,
- wasp-waisted,
- watered,
- watered-down,
- watery,
- weak,
- wee,
- welcome,
- well,
- well and good,
- well-made,
- why yes,
- willowy,
- windy,
- wiredrawn,
- wispy,
- worthy,
- yea,
- yeah,
- yep,
- yes,
- yes indeed,
- yes indeedy,
- yes sir,
- yes sirree