Exact Match:
- fleece
- a soft bulky fabric with deep pile; used chiefly for clothing
- the wool of a sheep or similar animal
- shear the wool from; "shear sheep"
- Leatherette,
- Leatheroid,
- alabaster,
- bare,
- beat,
- beguile of,
- bilk,
- bleed,
- bleed white,
- blubber,
- breeze,
- bristle,
- bunco,
- burn,
- butter,
- capillament,
- chalk,
- cheat,
- chisel,
- chouse,
- chouse out of,
- cilium,
- clay,
- clip,
- coat,
- cog,
- cog the dice,
- con,
- cozen,
- crib,
- crop,
- cushion,
- cuticle,
- defraud,
- denudate,
- denude,
- deplume,
- depredate,
- dermis,
- despoil,
- diddle,
- displume,
- divest,
- do,
- do in,
- do out of,
- dough,
- down,
- drain,
- driven snow,
- dry,
- eiderdown,
- euchre,
- exhaust,
- exploit,
- expose,
- feather bed,
- feathers,
- fell,
- finagle,
- flam,
- flay,
- flesh,
- flimflam,
- floss,
- flour,
- flue,
- fluff,
- foam,
- fob,
- forage,
- foray,
- freeboot,
- fudge,
- fur,
- furring,
- gouge,
- gull,
- gut,
- gyp,
- hair,
- have,
- head,
- head of hair,
- hide,
- hocus,
- hocus-pocus,
- hold up,
- horsehair,
- hustle,
- imitation fur,
- imitation leather,
- impoverish,
- integument,
- ivory,
- jacket,
- kapok,
- lay bare,
- lay open,
- leather,
- leather paper,
- lily,
- locks,
- loot,
- maggot,
- mane,
- maraud,
- mat,
- milk,
- mop,
- mulct,
- outer layer,
- outer skin,
- overcharge,
- overprice,
- overtax,
- pack the deal,
- paper,
- pearl,
- pelt,
- peltry,
- pick clean,
- pigeon,
- pile,
- pillage,
- pillow,
- pluck,
- plunder,
- plush,
- practice fraud upon,
- prey on,
- profiteer,
- pubescence,
- pubic hair,
- pudding,
- puff,
- putty,
- raid,
- ransack,
- ravage,
- raven,
- ravish,
- rawhide,
- reive,
- remove,
- rifle,
- rind,
- rip off,
- rob,
- rook,
- rope in,
- rubber,
- sack,
- satin,
- scam,
- screw,
- sell gold bricks,
- setula,
- shag,
- shave,
- shear,
- sheath,
- sheet,
- shock,
- shortchange,
- silk,
- silver,
- skin,
- skins,
- snow,
- soak,
- spoil,
- spoliate,
- stack the cards,
- stick,
- sting,
- strip,
- strip bare,
- suck dry,
- surcharge,
- swan,
- swansdown,
- sweat,
- sweep,
- swindle,
- take,
- take a dive,
- tegument,
- thatch,
- thimblerig,
- thistledown,
- throw a fight,
- tresses,
- uncloak,
- uncover,
- unsheathe,
- unveil,
- vair,
- velvet,
- victimize,
- wax,
- wool,
- zephyr