Exact Match:
- flirt
- playful behavior intended to arouse sexual interest
- Circe,
- Don Juan,
- Lorelei,
- Parthenope,
- Siren,
- Sunday painter,
- allure,
- amateur,
- bait,
- bait the hook,
- beak,
- blandish,
- bob,
- brush,
- bunt,
- cajole,
- captive,
- cast coquettish glances,
- catch,
- charmer,
- chuck,
- coax,
- conquest,
- consider,
- contemplate,
- coquet,
- coquette,
- dab,
- dabble,
- dabbler,
- dallier,
- dally,
- date,
- decoy,
- dilettante,
- draw,
- draw in,
- draw on,
- enchanter,
- enchantress,
- ensnare,
- entertain,
- entice,
- enticer,
- eye,
- femme fatale,
- fiddle,
- fiddle with,
- fiddle-faddle,
- fidget with,
- fillip,
- finger with,
- flick,
- flip,
- flirt with,
- flounce,
- fool,
- fool around,
- fool with,
- fribble,
- frivol,
- gallivant,
- give the come-on,
- gold digger,
- gold-dig,
- graze,
- hitch,
- honey,
- horse around,
- hussy,
- idle,
- inveigle,
- inveigler,
- jerk,
- jerk off,
- jig,
- jigger,
- jigget,
- jiggle,
- jog,
- joggle,
- kid around,
- lady-killer,
- lead on,
- loiter,
- look sweet upon,
- lounge lizard,
- lure,
- make eyes at,
- masher,
- mess around,
- minx,
- monkey,
- monkey around,
- offer bait to,
- ogle,
- pat,
- peck,
- pet,
- philander,
- philanderer,
- pick,
- piddle,
- piddler,
- play,
- play around,
- play with,
- playboy,
- pluck,
- potter,
- potterer,
- putter,
- putterer,
- rap,
- rope in,
- run around,
- seduce,
- seducer,
- seductress,
- sheik,
- siren,
- smatter,
- smatterer,
- snake,
- snap,
- snatch,
- start,
- steady,
- string,
- strumpet,
- suck in,
- sudden pull,
- sweet patootie,
- sweetheart,
- sweetie,
- tantalize,
- tap,
- tease,
- teaser,
- tempter,
- temptress,
- think about,
- think of,
- tickle,
- tinker,
- tip,
- touch,
- toy,
- toy with,
- trifle,
- trifle with,
- trifler,
- tweak,
- twiddle,
- twitch,
- vamp,
- vampire,
- whisk,
- whore,
- wolf,
- woo,
- wrench,
- yank,
- yerk