Exact Match:
- foul
- an act that violates of the rules of a sport
- (of a baseball) not hit between the foul lines
- become soiled and dirty
- make unclean; "foul the water"
- spot, stain, or pollute; "The townspeople defiled the river by emptying raw sewage into it"
- commit a foul; break the rules
- hit a foul ball
- Fescennine,
- Rabelaisian,
- abase,
- abeyant,
- abhorrent,
- abject,
- abominable,
- abuse,
- abusive,
- adulterate,
- adulterated,
- adverse,
- affronting,
- afoul,
- amoral,
- angry,
- apathetic,
- arrant,
- asperse,
- atrocious,
- awful,
- bad,
- bad for,
- bag,
- bang,
- bang into,
- bar,
- barfy,
- base,
- bawdy,
- beastly,
- befoul,
- beggarly,
- begrime,
- belittle,
- belittling,
- below contempt,
- below the belt,
- benasty,
- beneath contempt,
- bent,
- besmirch,
- besoil,
- bind,
- black,
- blacken,
- blamable,
- blameworthy,
- blasphemous,
- block,
- block up,
- blockade,
- blocked,
- blow,
- blue,
- blustery,
- botch,
- bound,
- brackish,
- brutal,
- bugger up,
- bump,
- bump into,
- bung,
- bungle,
- calumniatory,
- calumnious,
- cankered,
- cannon,
- carious,
- carom,
- carom into,
- cataleptic,
- catatonic,
- catch,
- caught,
- caulk,
- cheesy,
- chink,
- choke,
- choke off,
- choke up,
- choked,
- choked up,
- clash,
- clog,
- clog up,
- clogged,
- clogged up,
- cloudy,
- cloying,
- coarse,
- collide,
- come into collision,
- comminatory,
- concuss,
- confront each other,
- congest,
- congested,
- constipate,
- constipated,
- contaminate,
- contaminated,
- contemptible,
- contumelious,
- convert,
- cork,
- corrupt,
- costive,
- cover,
- crack up,
- crappy,
- crash,
- crash into,
- criminal,
- crooked,
- crude,
- crummy,
- crump,
- crunch,
- cursing,
- cyclonic,
- dam,
- dam up,
- damnable,
- damnatory,
- dangerous,
- dark,
- dash into,
- dead,
- debase,
- debased,
- decayed,
- decomposed,
- defalcate,
- defamatory,
- defame,
- defile,
- defiled,
- degrade,
- degraded,
- demean,
- denigrate,
- denunciatory,
- deplorable,
- depraved,
- deprecative,
- deprecatory,
- depreciate,
- depreciative,
- depreciatory,
- derisive,
- derisory,
- derogate,
- derogatory,
- desecrate,
- despicable,
- detestable,
- devaluate,
- dire,
- dirty,
- disagreeable,
- discredit,
- disgrace,
- disgraceful,
- disgusting,
- dishonest,
- dishonor,
- dishonorable,
- disparage,
- disparaging,
- divert,
- dopey,
- dormant,
- double-dealing,
- dreadful,
- dull,
- dysphemistic,
- egregious,
- embezzle,
- encounter,
- enmesh,
- enmeshed,
- enormous,
- ensnare,
- ensnared,
- entangle,
- entangled,
- entrap,
- epithetic,
- evil,
- excommunicative,
- excommunicatory,
- execrable,
- execratory,
- fall foul of,
- fecal,
- feculent,
- festering,
- fetid,
- fill,
- fill up,
- filthy,
- flagitious,
- flagrant,
- flat,
- flyblown,
- forbidden,
- forbidding,
- foul play,
- foul up,
- foul-mouthed,
- foul-spoken,
- foul-tongued,
- fouled,
- fraudulent,
- frightful,
- frowsty,
- frowy,
- frowzy,
- full,
- fulminatory,
- fulsome,
- funky,
- fusty,
- gamy,
- gangrened,
- gangrenous,
- ghastly,
- gloppy,
- gone bad,
- goof up,
- grave,
- graveolent,
- grievous,
- grime,
- grisly,
- groggy,
- gross,
- grubby,
- gruesome,
- gunky,
- harmful,
- harpoon,
- hateful,
- heavy,
- heinous,
- hideous,
- high,
- hit,
- hit against,
- hook,
- horrible,
- horrid,
- hurt,
- hurtle,
- icky,
- ignoble,
- ignominious,
- ill-smelling,
- illegal,
- illegality,
- immodest,
- immoral,
- impinge,
- imprecatory,
- improper,
- impure,
- in abeyance,
- in suspense,
- in trouble,
- inactive,
- indecent,
- indelicate,
- inert,
- infamous,
- infarcted,
- infect,
- infraction,
- infringement,
- iniquitous,
- injurious,
- insalubrious,
- insanitary,
- insulting,
- interdicted,
- invective,
- ithyphallic,
- jam,
- jammed,
- knavish,
- knock,
- knock against,
- lamentable,
- land,
- languid,
- languorous,
- lasso,
- latent,
- leaden,
- lewd,
- licentious,
- lifeless,
- little,
- loathsome,
- logy,
- louse up,
- lousy,
- low,
- low-down,
- lumpen,
- lurid,
- maggoty,
- maladminister,
- maledictory,
- maligning,
- malodorous,
- mangy,
- mawkish,
- mean,
- measly,
- meet,
- mephitic,
- mesh,
- mess,
- mess up,
- miasmal,
- miasmic,
- mildewed,
- mildewy,
- misapply,
- misappropriate,
- misemploy,
- miserable,
- mishandle,
- mismanage,
- misuse,
- moldy,
- monstrous,
- morbific,
- mortified,
- mouldy,
- muck up,
- mucky,
- muff,
- musty,
- nail,
- nasty,
- naughty,
- nauseant,
- nauseating,
- nauseous,
- necrosed,
- necrotic,
- nefarious,
- net,
- nidorous,
- noisome,
- noose,
- not cricket,
- not fair,
- notorious,
- noxious,
- objectionable,
- objurgatory,
- obnoxious,
- obscene,
- obstipate,
- obstipated,
- obstruct,
- obstructed,
- odious,
- odorous,
- off,
- off color,
- offensive,
- olid,
- ordurous,
- outrageous,
- overripe,
- pack,
- packed,
- paltry,
- passive,
- pathogenic,
- peccant,
- peculate,
- percuss,
- perfidious,
- pervert,
- pestiferous,
- petty,
- phlegmatic,
- pilfer,
- pitiable,
- pitiful,
- plug,
- plug up,
- plugged,
- plugged up,
- poisonous,
- poky,
- pollute,
- polluted,
- poor,
- pornographic,
- profane,
- prohibited,
- prostitute,
- puky,
- putrefacient,
- putrefactive,
- putrefied,
- putrescent,
- putrid,
- raging,
- rainy,
- rancid,
- rank,
- raunchy,
- raw,
- reasty,
- reasy,
- rebarbative,
- reechy,
- reeking,
- reeky,
- regrettable,
- repellent,
- repelling,
- reprehensible,
- reprobate,
- reptilian,
- repugnant,
- repulsive,
- revolting,
- ribald,
- risque,
- rope,
- rotten,
- rotting,
- rough,
- rude,
- ruin,
- run into,
- sack,
- sad,
- salacious,
- scabby,
- scandalous,
- scatologic,
- scatological,
- schlock,
- scornful,
- screw up,
- scrubby,
- scruffy,
- scummy,
- scurfy,
- scurrile,
- scurrilous,
- scurvy,
- sedentary,
- septic,
- shabby,
- shady,
- shameful,
- shitty,
- shocking,
- shoddy,
- sickening,
- sideswipe,
- sinful,
- slabby,
- slack,
- slam into,
- slanderous,
- sleeping,
- sleety,
- slimy,
- sloppy,
- sloshy,
- sludgy,
- sluggish,
- slumbering,
- slushy,
- smack into,
- small,
- smash,
- smash into,
- smash up,
- smear,
- smellful,
- smelling,
- smelly,
- smirch,
- smoking-room,
- smoldering,
- smooch,
- smudge,
- smutty,
- snafu,
- snag,
- snare,
- snarl,
- snarled,
- sniggle,
- snowy,
- soil,
- soiled,
- soily,
- sordid,
- soured,
- spear,
- sphacelated,
- spile,
- spoil,
- spoiled,
- sposhy,
- squalid,
- stagnant,
- stain,
- stale,
- stanch,
- standing,
- static,
- stay,
- stench,
- stenchy,
- stinking,
- stop,
- stop up,
- stopped,
- stopped up,
- stopper,
- stopple,
- storming,
- stormy,
- strike,
- strike against,
- strong,
- stuff,
- stuff up,
- stuffed,
- stuffed up,
- stuffy,
- suggestive,
- sulfurous,
- sully,
- sultry,
- suppurating,
- suppurative,
- suspended,
- taint,
- tainted,
- take,
- tame,
- tangle,
- tangle up with,
- tangled,
- tarnish,
- tempestuous,
- terrible,
- too bad,
- tornadic,
- torpid,
- traitorous,
- trap,
- treacherous,
- turbulent,
- turned,
- twist,
- two-faced,
- typhonic,
- typhoonish,
- ulcerated,
- unaroused,
- unchaste,
- unclean,
- uncleanly,
- uncouth,
- underhanded,
- unfair,
- unfairness,
- unfavorable,
- unforgivable,
- unhealthful,
- unhealthy,
- unhygienic,
- unjust,
- unmentionable,
- unpardonable,
- unprintable,
- unrepeatable,
- unsanitary,
- unscrupulous,
- unspeakable,
- unsporting,
- unsportsmanlike,
- unsportsmanlikeness,
- unsportsmanliness,
- unsportsmanly,
- unwholesome,
- unworthy,
- venal,
- vicious,
- vile,
- villainous,
- violate,
- violation,
- vitiate,
- vituperative,
- vomity,
- vulgar,
- weevily,
- wet,
- whomp,
- wicked,
- windy,
- woeful,
- wormy,
- worst,
- worthless,
- wretched,
- wrong,
- yecchy,
- yucky