Exact Match:
- frank
- a smooth-textured sausage of minced beef or pork usually smoked; often served on a bread roll
- a member of the ancient Germanic peoples who spread from the Rhine into the Roman Empire in the 4th century
- clearly manifest; evident; "frank enjoyment"
- exempt by means of an official pass or letter, as from customs or other checks
- PP,
- RD,
- RFD,
- Spartan,
- Vienna sausage,
- accessible,
- airmail,
- all jaw,
- approachable,
- artless,
- ascetic,
- austere,
- bald,
- bangers,
- bare,
- barefaced,
- black pudding,
- blood pudding,
- bluff,
- blunt,
- bologna,
- book post,
- born yesterday,
- braunschweiger,
- brazen,
- broad,
- brusque,
- cancellation,
- candid,
- chatty,
- childlike,
- coarse,
- common,
- commonplace,
- communicative,
- confiding,
- conversable,
- conversational,
- correspondence,
- demonstrative,
- direct,
- direct mail,
- direct-mail selling,
- dispassionate,
- dog,
- downright,
- dry,
- dull,
- earthy,
- effusive,
- expansive,
- explicit,
- express,
- extroverted,
- fair,
- flip,
- fluent,
- forthright,
- fourth-class mail,
- frankfurter,
- frankhearted,
- free,
- free-speaking,
- free-spoken,
- free-tongued,
- gabby,
- garrulous,
- gassy,
- genuine,
- glib,
- gooseliver,
- gossipy,
- gregarious,
- gross,
- guileless,
- gushy,
- gutter,
- halfpenny post,
- headcheese,
- heart-to-heart,
- homely,
- homespun,
- honest,
- hot dog,
- impartial,
- ingenu,
- ingenuous,
- innocent,
- junk mail,
- just,
- knockwurst,
- lean,
- letter post,
- letters,
- liver sausage,
- liverwurst,
- long-winded,
- loquacious,
- low,
- mail,
- mail-order selling,
- mailing list,
- matter-of-fact,
- multiloquent,
- multiloquious,
- naive,
- natural,
- neat,
- newspaper post,
- newsy,
- on the level,
- open,
- openhearted,
- outgoing,
- outspoken,
- overtalkative,
- parcel post,
- plain,
- plain-speaking,
- plain-spoken,
- plainspoken,
- post,
- post day,
- postage,
- postage stamp,
- postmark,
- prolix,
- prosaic,
- prosing,
- prosy,
- pure,
- rank,
- raw,
- registered mail,
- round,
- rural delivery,
- rural free delivery,
- rustic,
- salami,
- saucisse,
- sausage,
- scrupulous,
- sea mail,
- seapost,
- self-revealing,
- self-revelatory,
- severe,
- simple,
- simple-speaking,
- simplehearted,
- simpleminded,
- sincere,
- single,
- single-hearted,
- single-minded,
- smooth,
- sober,
- sociable,
- spare,
- special delivery,
- special handling,
- stamp,
- stark,
- straight,
- straight-out,
- straightforward,
- surface mail,
- talkative,
- talky,
- transparent,
- trustful,
- trusting,
- truthful,
- unabashed,
- unadorned,
- unaffected,
- unbiased,
- unchecked,
- unconcealed,
- unconstrained,
- uncouth,
- undisguised,
- undissembled,
- undissembling,
- unequivocal,
- unguarded,
- unhampered,
- unimaginative,
- uninhibited,
- unmannered,
- unpoetical,
- unrepressed,
- unreserved,
- unrestrained,
- unrestricted,
- unreticent,
- unsecretive,
- unshrinking,
- unsilent,
- unsophisticated,
- unsuppressed,
- unsuspicious,
- unvarnished,
- unwary,
- upright,
- verbose,
- voluble,
- vulgar,
- weenie,
- wiener,
- wienerwurst,
- wienie,
- windy