Exact Match:
- gizzard
- thick-walled muscular pouch below the crop in many birds and reptiles for grinding food
- abatis,
- abdomen,
- abomasum,
- anus,
- appendix,
- bay window,
- beerbelly,
- belly,
- blind gut,
- bowels,
- brain,
- brains,
- breadbasket,
- cecum,
- chitterlings,
- cockscomb,
- colon,
- craw,
- crop,
- diaphragm,
- duodenum,
- embonpoint,
- endocardium,
- entrails,
- first stomach,
- foregut,
- giblets,
- gullet,
- gut,
- guts,
- haslet,
- heart,
- hindgut,
- honeycomb stomach,
- innards,
- inner mechanism,
- insides,
- internals,
- intestine,
- inwards,
- jejunum,
- kidney,
- kidneys,
- kishkes,
- large intestine,
- liver,
- liver and lights,
- lung,
- manyplies,
- marrow,
- maw,
- midgut,
- midriff,
- omasum,
- paunch,
- perineum,
- pot,
- potbelly,
- potgut,
- psalterium,
- pump,
- pusgut,
- pylorus,
- rectum,
- rennet bag,
- reticulum,
- rumen,
- second stomach,
- small intestine,
- spare tire,
- spleen,
- stomach,
- swagbelly,
- sweetbread,
- third stomach,
- ticker,
- tongue,
- tripe,
- tripes,
- tum-tum,
- tummy,
- underbelly,
- ventripotence,
- vermiform appendix,
- viscera,
- vitals,
- works