Exact Match:
- gluttony
- eating to excess (personified as one of the deadly sins)
- habitual eating to excess
- abandon,
- acedia,
- acquisitiveness,
- anger,
- appetite,
- avarice,
- avariciousness,
- avaritia,
- avidity,
- avidness,
- boundlessness,
- cannibalism,
- carnivorism,
- carnivority,
- carnivorousness,
- chewing,
- consumption,
- covetousness,
- crapulence,
- crapulency,
- crapulousness,
- cropping,
- cupidity,
- deadly sin,
- deglutition,
- devouring,
- devourment,
- dieting,
- dining,
- drunkenness,
- eating,
- edacity,
- egregiousness,
- enormousness,
- envy,
- epulation,
- exaggeration,
- excess,
- excessiveness,
- exorbitance,
- exorbitancy,
- extravagance,
- extravagancy,
- extreme,
- extremes,
- extremism,
- extremity,
- fabulousness,
- feasting,
- feeding,
- frenzy of desire,
- fury of desire,
- giantism,
- gigantism,
- gobbling,
- grasping,
- graspingness,
- grazing,
- greed,
- greediness,
- gula,
- gulosity,
- herbivorism,
- herbivority,
- herbivorousness,
- hoggishness,
- hunger,
- hyperbole,
- hypertrophy,
- immoderacy,
- immoderateness,
- immoderation,
- incontinence,
- indiscipline,
- indulgence,
- ingestion,
- inordinacy,
- inordinance,
- inordinate desire,
- inordinateness,
- insatiability,
- insatiable desire,
- intemperance,
- intemperateness,
- invidia,
- ira,
- itching palm,
- licking,
- lust,
- luxuria,
- manducation,
- mastication,
- messing,
- monstrousness,
- munching,
- nibbling,
- nimiety,
- nutrition,
- omnivorism,
- omnivorousness,
- omophagy,
- outrageousness,
- overdevelopment,
- overdoing,
- overeating,
- overgreatness,
- overgreediness,
- overgrowth,
- overindulgence,
- overlargeness,
- overmuch,
- overmuchness,
- pantophagy,
- pasture,
- pasturing,
- pecking,
- piggishness,
- pride,
- prodigality,
- radicalism,
- rapaciousness,
- rapacity,
- ravenousness,
- regalement,
- relishing,
- rumination,
- savoring,
- self-indulgence,
- sloth,
- sordidness,
- superbia,
- swinishness,
- tasting,
- too much,
- too-muchness,
- unconscionableness,
- unconstraint,
- uncontrol,
- undueness,
- unreasonableness,
- unrestrainedness,
- unrestraint,
- vegetarianism,
- voraciousness,
- voracity,
- wolfing,
- wolfishness,
- wrath