Exact Match:
- goat
- any of numerous agile ruminants related to sheep but having a beard and straight horns
- Priapus,
- aphrodisiomaniac,
- balker,
- balky horse,
- billy,
- billy goat,
- broad jumper,
- buck,
- bucking bronco,
- buckjumper,
- butt,
- byword,
- byword of reproach,
- crock,
- crowbait,
- derision,
- dirty old man,
- doe,
- doeling,
- dog,
- dupe,
- eroticomaniac,
- erotomaniac,
- fair game,
- fall guy,
- figure of fun,
- flea,
- fool,
- frog,
- game,
- garron,
- gazelle,
- gazingstock,
- grasshopper,
- gynecomaniac,
- hack,
- he-goat,
- high jumper,
- hopper,
- hurdle racer,
- hurdler,
- jackrabbit,
- jade,
- jest,
- jestingstock,
- joke,
- jughead,
- jumper,
- jumping bean,
- jumping jack,
- kangaroo,
- kid,
- laughingstock,
- leaper,
- lecher,
- mockery,
- monkey,
- mountain goat,
- nag,
- nanny,
- nanny goat,
- old goat,
- patsy,
- plug,
- pole vaulter,
- roarer,
- rogue,
- rosinante,
- salmon,
- satyr,
- scalawag,
- scapegoat,
- she-goat,
- stag,
- stiff,
- stock,
- sunfisher,
- target,
- timber topper,
- toy,
- vaulter,
- victim,
- whipping boy,
- whistler,
- whoremaster,
- whoremonger