Exact Match:
- greedy
- wanting to eat or drink more than one can reasonably consume; "don't be greedy with the cookies"
- Apician,
- a hog for,
- acquiring,
- acquisitive,
- all-devouring,
- ambitious for self,
- autistic,
- avaricious,
- avid,
- bolting,
- bottomless,
- careerist,
- close,
- cormorant,
- coveting,
- covetous,
- cramming,
- crapulent,
- crapulous,
- craving,
- desirous,
- devouring,
- edacious,
- egotistical,
- esurient,
- glutting,
- gluttonizing,
- gluttonous,
- gobbling,
- gorging,
- grabby,
- grasping,
- gulping,
- guttling,
- guzzling,
- hoggish,
- hyperphagic,
- individualistic,
- insatiable,
- insatiate,
- intemperate,
- itchy,
- limitless,
- materialistic,
- mean,
- mercenary,
- mingy,
- miserly,
- money-hungry,
- money-mad,
- narcissistic,
- near,
- niggardly,
- omnivorous,
- overgreedy,
- parsimonious,
- penny-pinching,
- penurious,
- personalistic,
- piggish,
- polyphagic,
- possessive,
- prehensile,
- privatistic,
- quenchless,
- rapacious,
- ravening,
- ravenous,
- remote,
- self-absorbed,
- self-admiring,
- self-advancing,
- self-besot,
- self-centered,
- self-considerative,
- self-contained,
- self-devoted,
- self-esteeming,
- self-indulgent,
- self-interested,
- self-jealous,
- self-occupied,
- self-pleasing,
- self-seeking,
- self-serving,
- self-sufficient,
- selfish,
- slakeless,
- sordid,
- stingy,
- stuffing,
- swinish,
- tight,
- tight-fisted,
- unappeasable,
- unappeased,
- unquenchable,
- unsated,
- unsatisfied,
- unslakeable,
- unslaked,
- venal,
- voracious,
- wolfing