Exact Match:
- hardness
- the quality of being difficult to do; "he assigned a series of problems of increasing hardness"; "the ruggedness of his exams caused half the class to fail"
- the property of being rigid and resistant to pressure; not easily scratched; measured on Mohs scale
- Philistinism,
- abstruseness,
- arduousness,
- armor,
- asperity,
- astringency,
- austerity,
- bothersomeness,
- burdensomeness,
- callosity,
- callousness,
- callus,
- closeness,
- cohesiveness,
- coldbloodedness,
- coldheartedness,
- coldness,
- compactness,
- complexity,
- complication,
- congestedness,
- congestion,
- consistence,
- consistency,
- crabbedness,
- crampedness,
- crowdedness,
- cruelty,
- deepness,
- denseness,
- density,
- difficultness,
- difficulty,
- durability,
- esoterica,
- firmness,
- flintiness,
- formidable defenses,
- fundamentalism,
- gluiness,
- grimness,
- hairiness,
- hard heart,
- hard shell,
- hardenedness,
- hardheartedness,
- hardiness,
- hardness of heart,
- hardship,
- harshness,
- heart of stone,
- heartlessness,
- impenetrability,
- impenitence,
- impenitentness,
- impermeability,
- imperviousness,
- impliability,
- imporosity,
- inclemency,
- incompressibility,
- induration,
- inexorability,
- inexorableness,
- inflexibility,
- infrangibility,
- insensitiveness,
- insensitivity,
- insolence,
- intricacy,
- inuredness,
- irrepentance,
- jammedness,
- knottiness,
- laboriousness,
- lastingness,
- leatherlikeness,
- mercilessness,
- nonrepentance,
- obduracy,
- obdurateness,
- obstinacy,
- onerousness,
- oppressiveness,
- orthodoxy,
- pitilessness,
- precisianism,
- profoundness,
- profundity,
- purism,
- puritanism,
- reconditeness,
- relative density,
- relentlessness,
- remorselessness,
- resistance,
- rhinoceros hide,
- rigidity,
- rigidness,
- rigor,
- rigorousness,
- ropiness,
- roughness,
- ruggedness,
- ruthlessness,
- seared conscience,
- severity,
- short shrift,
- solidity,
- solidness,
- soundness,
- specific gravity,
- spissitude,
- stability,
- stamina,
- staunchness,
- sternness,
- stiffness,
- stoniness,
- stoutness,
- strength,
- strenuousness,
- stringency,
- stringiness,
- stubbornness,
- sturdiness,
- temper,
- tenacity,
- tender mercies,
- thick skin,
- thickness,
- toilsomeness,
- toughness,
- troublesomeness,
- unabjectness,
- unbendingness,
- unbreakability,
- unbreakableness,
- uncompassionateness,
- uncompromisingness,
- uncontriteness,
- unfeeling,
- unfeelingness,
- unforgivingness,
- ungentleness,
- unmercifulness,
- unnaturalness,
- unrelentingness,
- unremorsefulness,
- unresponsiveness,
- unsympatheticness,
- unyieldingness,
- vicissitude,
- vigor,
- viscidity,
- viscosity,
- viscousness,
- vitality