Exact Match:
- heart
- a playing card in the major suit that has one or more red hearts on it; "he led the queen of hearts"; "hearts were trumps"
- an inclination or tendency of a certain kind; "he had a change of heart"
- the courage to carry on; "he kept fighting on pure spunk"; "you haven't got the heart for baseball"
- the hollow muscular organ located behind the sternum and between the lungs; its rhythmic contractions move the blood through the body; "he stood still, his heart thumping wildly"
- the locus of feelings and intuitions; "in your heart you know it is true"; "her story would melt your bosom"
- a firm rather dry variety meat (usually beef or veal); "a five-pound beef heart will serve six"
- a plane figure with rounded sides curving inward at the top and intersecting at the bottom; conventionally used on playing cards and valentines; "he drew a heart and called it a valentine"
- Amor,
- Benzedrine,
- Benzedrine pill,
- C,
- Christian love,
- Dexamyl,
- Dexamyl pill,
- Dexedrine,
- Dexedrine pill,
- Eros,
- Methedrine,
- abatis,
- abdomen,
- admiration,
- adoration,
- affection,
- agape,
- amphetamine,
- amphetamine sulfate,
- angina,
- angina pectoris,
- anima,
- anima humana,
- animating force,
- anus,
- aortic insufficiency,
- aortic stenosis,
- apoplectic stroke,
- apoplexy,
- appendix,
- ardency,
- ardor,
- arrhythmia,
- arteriosclerosis,
- atherosclerosis,
- atman,
- atrial fibrillation,
- attachment,
- auricular fibrillation,
- axiom,
- axis,
- ba,
- backbone,
- basics,
- bathmism,
- beating heart,
- being,
- bench mark,
- beriberi heart,
- biological clock,
- biorhythm,
- blind gut,
- blood,
- bodily love,
- boldness,
- bones,
- bosom,
- bottom,
- bowels,
- brain,
- brains,
- bravery,
- breast,
- breath,
- breath of life,
- brotherly love,
- buddhi,
- callousness,
- cardiac arrest,
- cardiac insufficiency,
- cardiac shock,
- cardiac stenosis,
- cardiac thrombosis,
- cardinal point,
- carditis,
- caritas,
- cecum,
- center,
- center of action,
- center of gravity,
- center of life,
- centroid,
- centrum,
- charity,
- chief thing,
- chitterlings,
- chutzpah,
- climax,
- cocaine,
- cockscomb,
- coke,
- colon,
- compassion,
- concern,
- congenital heart disease,
- conjugal love,
- consideration,
- cor biloculare,
- cor juvenum,
- cor triatriatum,
- core,
- cornerstone,
- coronary,
- coronary insufficiency,
- coronary thrombosis,
- courage,
- crisis,
- critical point,
- crux,
- crystal,
- cue,
- dauntlessness,
- dead center,
- deepest recesses,
- desire,
- determination,
- devotion,
- dextroamphetamine sulfate,
- diameter,
- diaphragm,
- diastolic hypertension,
- distillate,
- distillation,
- divine breath,
- divine spark,
- duodenum,
- ecstasy,
- ego,
- elan vital,
- elixir,
- empathy,
- encased heart,
- endocarditis,
- endocardium,
- enthusiasm,
- entrails,
- epicenter,
- equator,
- esoteric reality,
- esprit,
- essence,
- essence of life,
- essential,
- essential matter,
- excitement,
- extrasystole,
- fabric,
- faithful love,
- fancy,
- fatty heart,
- feelings,
- fervency,
- fervidness,
- fervor,
- fibroid heart,
- fire,
- flame,
- flask-shaped heart,
- flower,
- focal point,
- focus,
- fondness,
- football,
- force of life,
- foregut,
- frame,
- frame of mind,
- free love,
- free-lovism,
- frosted heart,
- fundamental,
- fundamentals,
- furor,
- fury,
- generosity,
- giblets,
- gist,
- gizzard,
- goodness,
- gravamen,
- great point,
- grit,
- growth force,
- gusto,
- guts,
- gutsiness,
- guttiness,
- hairy heart,
- haslet,
- heart attack,
- heart block,
- heart condition,
- heart disease,
- heart failure,
- heart of hearts,
- heart of oak,
- heartbeat,
- heartblood,
- heartiness,
- heartlessness,
- heartstrings,
- heat,
- hero worship,
- high blood pressure,
- high point,
- hindgut,
- hub,
- humanitarianism,
- humanity,
- humor,
- hypertension,
- hypertensive heart disease,
- hypostasis,
- idolatry,
- idolism,
- idolization,
- impassionedness,
- important thing,
- impulse of life,
- inmost heart,
- inmost soul,
- innards,
- inner,
- inner essence,
- inner landscape,
- inner life,
- inner man,
- inner mechanism,
- inner nature,
- inner recess,
- inner self,
- innermost being,
- insensitivity,
- inside,
- insides,
- inspiriting force,
- interior,
- interior man,
- intern,
- internal,
- internals,
- intestinal fortitude,
- intestine,
- intrados,
- inward,
- inwards,
- ischemic heart disease,
- issue,
- jejunum,
- jiva,
- jivatma,
- jolly bean,
- kernel,
- keystone,
- khu,
- kidney,
- kidneys,
- kindliness,
- kindness,
- kishkes,
- landmark,
- large intestine,
- lasciviousness,
- libido,
- life breath,
- life cycle,
- life essence,
- life force,
- life principle,
- life process,
- lifeblood,
- like,
- liking,
- liveliness,
- liver,
- liver and lights,
- living force,
- love,
- lovemaking,
- lung,
- magnanimity,
- main point,
- main thing,
- manes,
- married love,
- marrow,
- material,
- material point,
- matter,
- mean,
- meat,
- median,
- medium,
- medulla,
- metacenter,
- methamphetamine hydrochloride,
- mettle,
- middle,
- midgut,
- midmost,
- midriff,
- midst,
- milestone,
- mind,
- mitral insufficiency,
- mitral stenosis,
- mood,
- morale,
- moxie,
- myocardial infarction,
- myocardial insufficiency,
- myocarditis,
- myovascular insufficiency,
- nave,
- navel,
- nephesh,
- nerve,
- nerve center,
- note,
- nub,
- nucleus,
- nuts and bolts,
- omphalos,
- ox heart,
- palate,
- palpitation,
- paralytic stroke,
- paroxysmal tachycardia,
- passion,
- passionateness,
- penetralia,
- pep pill,
- pericarditis,
- perineum,
- physical love,
- pile,
- pith,
- pity,
- pivot,
- pluck,
- pneuma,
- polestar,
- popular regard,
- popularity,
- postulate,
- prana,
- premature beat,
- principle,
- pseudoaortic insufficiency,
- psyche,
- pulmonary insufficiency,
- pulmonary stenosis,
- pump,
- purple heart,
- purusha,
- pylorus,
- quick,
- quid,
- quiddity,
- quintessence,
- real issue,
- recesses,
- rectum,
- regard,
- relish,
- resolution,
- rheumatic heart disease,
- root,
- round heart,
- ruach,
- salient point,
- sap,
- savor,
- sclerosis,
- seat,
- seat of life,
- secret heart,
- secret place,
- secret places,
- sensibility,
- sensitivity,
- sentiment,
- sentiments,
- sex,
- sexual love,
- shade,
- shadow,
- shine,
- sincerity,
- sine qua non,
- small intestine,
- snow,
- soul,
- spark of life,
- speed,
- spirit,
- spirits,
- spiritual being,
- spiritual love,
- spiritus,
- spleen,
- spunk,
- stamina,
- state of mind,
- stimulant,
- stomach,
- stony heart,
- storm center,
- stout heart,
- stroke,
- stuff,
- substance,
- substantive point,
- sum and substance,
- sweetbread,
- sympathy,
- tachycardia,
- temper,
- tender feeling,
- tender passion,
- tenderness,
- the bottom line,
- the nitty-gritty,
- the point,
- the self,
- thick,
- thick of things,
- thrombosis,
- ticker,
- tone,
- tongue,
- toughness,
- tricuspid insufficiency,
- tricuspid stenosis,
- tripe,
- tripes,
- true being,
- true inwardness,
- truelove,
- turning point,
- turtle heart,
- umbilicus,
- understanding,
- upper,
- uxoriousness,
- varicose veins,
- varix,
- vehemence,
- vein,
- ventricular fibrillation,
- vermiform appendix,
- verve,
- vis vitae,
- vis vitalis,
- viscera,
- vital center,
- vital energy,
- vital flame,
- vital fluid,
- vital force,
- vital principle,
- vital spark,
- vital spirit,
- vitals,
- waist,
- waistline,
- warmth,
- warmth of feeling,
- weakness,
- will,
- works,
- worship,
- yearning,
- zeal,
- zest,
- zone