- Albigensian,
- Arian,
- Bohemian,
- Catharist,
- Donatist,
- Ebionitist,
- Erastian,
- Gnostic,
- Jansenist,
- Jansenistic,
- Jovinianist,
- Jovinianistic,
- Lollard,
- Manichaean,
- Monophysite,
- Monophysitic,
- Montanist,
- Montanistic,
- Pelagian,
- Sabellian,
- Waldensian,
- Wyclifite,
- aberrant,
- abroad,
- adrift,
- all abroad,
- all off,
- all wrong,
- amiss,
- antinomian,
- apocryphal,
- askew,
- astray,
- at fault,
- awry,
- beat,
- beside the mark,
- breakaway,
- corrupt,
- deceptive,
- defective,
- delusive,
- deviant,
- deviational,
- deviative,
- dissident,
- distorted,
- emanationist,
- errant,
- erring,
- erroneous,
- fallacious,
- false,
- far out,
- faultful,
- faulty,
- flawed,
- free and easy,
- fringy,
- heretical,
- hippie,
- hylotheist,
- hylotheistic,
- illogical,
- illusory,
- individualistic,
- informal,
- inner-directed,
- kinky,
- maverick,
- nonconformist,
- nonorthodox,
- not cricket,
- not done,
- not kosher,
- not right,
- not true,
- off,
- off the track,
- offbeat,
- original,
- out,
- pantheist,
- pantheistic,
- peccant,
- perverse,
- perverted,
- schismatic,
- sectarian,
- self-contradictory,
- straying,
- unaccepted,
- unapproved,
- unauthentic,
- unauthoritative,
- uncanonical,
- unconventional,
- unfactual,
- unfashionable,
- unorthodox,
- unproved,
- unscriptural,
- unsound,
- untrue,
- way out,
- wide,
- wrong