Exact Match:
- high
- a lofty level or position or degree; "summer temperatures reached an all-time high"
- a high place; "they stood on high and observed the countryside"; "he doesn't like heights"
- a state of altered consciousness induced by alcohol or narcotics; "they took drugs to get a high on"
- a state of sustained elation; "I'm on a permanent high these days"
- an air mass of higher than normal pressure; "the east coast benefits from a Bermuda high"
- happy and excited and energetic
- slightly and pleasantly intoxicated from alcohol or a drug (especially marijuana)
- (literal meaning) being at or having a relatively great or specific elevation or upward extension (sometimes used in combinations like `knee-high'); "a high mountain"; "high ceilings"; "high buildings"; "a high forehead"; "a high incline"; "a foot high"
- greater than normal in degree or intensity or amount; "a high temperature"; "a high price"; "the high point of his career"; "high risks"; "has high hopes"; "the river is high"; "he has a high opinion of himself"
- used of sounds and voices; high in pitch or frequency
- at a great altitude; "he climbed high on the ladder"
- far up toward the source; "he lives high up the river"
- in or to a high position, amount, or degree; "prices have gone up far too high"
- in a rich manner; "he lives high"
- Dutch courage,
- Gymnasium,
- Hydromatic,
- Latin school,
- Olympian,
- Realgymnasium,
- Realschule,
- a bit much,
- a high,
- abandoned,
- above,
- abovestairs,
- academy,
- accented,
- acme,
- acute,
- aerial,
- afflicted,
- aged,
- aggrandized,
- agog,
- air mass,
- airward,
- airy,
- aloft,
- aloof,
- altitudinous,
- alto,
- alveolar,
- anticyclone,
- apex,
- apical,
- apico-alveolar,
- apico-dental,
- apotheosized,
- aquiver,
- aristocratic,
- arousal,
- aroused,
- articulated,
- ascending,
- asking price,
- aspiring,
- assimilated,
- atingle,
- atwitter,
- august,
- automatic transmission,
- awesome,
- back,
- bad,
- bad-smelling,
- barfy,
- barytone,
- beaming,
- bearish prices,
- beatified,
- befuddlement,
- bent,
- besottedness,
- beyond all bounds,
- bid price,
- big,
- bighearted,
- bilabial,
- blithe,
- blithesome,
- blown,
- boiled,
- boisterous,
- bombed,
- book value,
- boozy,
- boundless,
- brackish,
- bright,
- bright and sunny,
- broad,
- bullish prices,
- bursting,
- bursting with happiness,
- cacuminal,
- call price,
- canned,
- canonized,
- capital,
- carried away,
- catalepsy,
- central,
- cerebral,
- checked,
- cheerful,
- cheery,
- chief,
- chivalrous,
- close,
- closing price,
- cloying,
- cockeyed,
- cockeyed drunk,
- cogwheel,
- cold front,
- cold sector,
- colossal,
- coma,
- consequential,
- considerable,
- consonant,
- consonantal,
- continuant,
- costly,
- crocked,
- crocko,
- cyclone,
- dear,
- dear-bought,
- decline,
- dental,
- differential,
- differential gear,
- dissimilated,
- distinguished,
- dominating,
- dorsal,
- drugged,
- drunk,
- drunkenness,
- ducal,
- ear-splitting,
- ebullient,
- ecstatic,
- effervescent,
- egregious,
- elaborate,
- elate,
- elated,
- elevated,
- eminent,
- emotion,
- encephalitis lethargica,
- enchanted,
- ennobled,
- enormous,
- enraptured,
- enravished,
- enshrined,
- enthroned,
- entranced,
- erect,
- ethereal,
- eupeptic,
- euphoric,
- exaggerated,
- exalted,
- excellent,
- excessive,
- excessively,
- excited,
- excitedness,
- excitement,
- exhilarated,
- exhilaration,
- exorbitant,
- expensive,
- extraordinary,
- extravagant,
- extreme,
- exuberant,
- exultant,
- fabulous,
- face value,
- falsetto,
- famous,
- fancy,
- favorable,
- fecal,
- fetid,
- fired,
- fixed price,
- flash price,
- flat,
- flurry,
- flushed,
- flutter,
- foremost,
- foul,
- freaked out,
- freewheel,
- fried,
- front,
- frowsty,
- frowy,
- frowzy,
- fuddle,
- fuddled,
- fuddledness,
- fuddlement,
- fulsome,
- funky,
- fusty,
- gamy,
- gear,
- gear train,
- gearbox,
- gearing,
- gearshift,
- gearwheel,
- generous,
- genial,
- genteel,
- gentle,
- gentlemanlike,
- gentlemanly,
- gigantic,
- glad,
- gladsome,
- glide,
- glorified,
- glorious,
- glossal,
- glottal,
- glowing,
- gluttonous,
- godlike,
- grammar school,
- grand,
- grave,
- graveolent,
- great,
- great of heart,
- greathearted,
- guttural,
- half-seas over,
- handsome,
- hangover,
- happy,
- hard,
- haughty,
- heavy,
- height,
- heinous,
- held in awe,
- heroic,
- high and mighty,
- high school,
- high up,
- high-class,
- high-flown,
- high-frequency,
- high-headed,
- high-minded,
- high-nosed,
- high-pitched,
- high-pressure area,
- high-priced,
- high-reaching,
- high-set,
- high-sounding,
- high-tasted,
- high-toned,
- high-up,
- highfalutin,
- highfaluting,
- hilarious,
- hopeful,
- hopped up,
- huge,
- hyperbolic,
- hypertrophied,
- icky,
- idealistic,
- ill-smelling,
- illuminated,
- immoderate,
- immoderately,
- immortal,
- immortalized,
- imparadised,
- impassioned,
- important,
- in ecstasies,
- in good spirits,
- in heaven,
- in high spirits,
- in paradise,
- in raptures,
- in seventh heaven,
- in the air,
- in the clouds,
- incontinent,
- inebriated,
- inebriation,
- inebriety,
- inflamed,
- inordinate,
- inordinately,
- insobriety,
- intemperate,
- intemperately,
- intermediate,
- intermediate school,
- intonated,
- intoxicated,
- intoxication,
- irrepressible,
- isobar,
- isometric,
- isometric line,
- isopiestic line,
- isotherm,
- isothermal line,
- issue par,
- issue price,
- jubilant,
- junior high,
- junior high school,
- katzenjammer,
- keyed up,
- kinglike,
- kingly,
- knightly,
- labial,
- labiodental,
- labiovelar,
- ladylike,
- large,
- largehearted,
- lateral,
- lathered up,
- lauded,
- laughing,
- lavish,
- lax,
- leading,
- lethargy,
- liberal,
- lifted,
- light,
- lingual,
- liquid,
- lit,
- lit up,
- loaded,
- lofty,
- low,
- low-pressure area,
- lubricated,
- lushy,
- luxurious,
- maggoty,
- magnanimous,
- magnificent,
- magnified,
- majestic,
- malodorous,
- manic,
- manic state,
- market price,
- market value,
- mawkish,
- maximum,
- mephitic,
- merry,
- mezzo-soprano,
- miasmal,
- miasmic,
- mid,
- middle school,
- mighty,
- mildewed,
- mildewy,
- moldy,
- momentous,
- monophthongal,
- monstrous,
- monumental,
- morning after,
- mounting,
- moved,
- musty,
- muted,
- muzzy,
- narcohypnosis,
- narcolepsy,
- narcoma,
- narcosis,
- narcotic stupor,
- narcotization,
- narrow,
- nasal,
- nasalized,
- nasty,
- nauseant,
- nauseating,
- nauseous,
- neutral,
- nidorous,
- noble,
- noble-minded,
- nod,
- noisome,
- nominal value,
- not affordable,
- noxious,
- occluded front,
- occlusive,
- odorous,
- of gentle blood,
- of good cheer,
- of great cost,
- of rank,
- off,
- offensive,
- offering price,
- oiled,
- olid,
- on cloud nine,
- on high,
- on stilts,
- on the peak,
- on tiptoe,
- open,
- openhanded,
- opening price,
- optimistic,
- organized,
- out of bounds,
- out of sight,
- outrageous,
- outtopping,
- over,
- overbig,
- overdeveloped,
- overdrive,
- overgreat,
- overgrown,
- overhead,
- overjoyed,
- overjoyful,
- overlarge,
- overlooking,
- overmuch,
- overripe,
- overtopping,
- overweening,
- oxytone,
- palatal,
- palatalized,
- par,
- par value,
- parity,
- patrician,
- peak,
- penetrating,
- pharyngeal,
- pharyngealized,
- phonemic,
- phonetic,
- phonic,
- pickled,
- pie-eyed,
- piercing,
- pissed,
- pissy-eyed,
- pitch,
- pitched,
- plastered,
- pleasant,
- poisonous,
- polar front,
- polluted,
- possessed,
- posttonic,
- pot-valiance,
- pot-valor,
- potted,
- premium,
- prep school,
- preparatory school,
- price,
- pricey,
- princelike,
- princely,
- principal,
- prodigal,
- prodigally,
- prominent,
- public school,
- put price,
- putrid,
- queenlike,
- queenly,
- quite the lady,
- quotation,
- quoted price,
- rack,
- raddled,
- radiant,
- raised,
- rally,
- rampant,
- rancid,
- rank,
- rapt,
- raptured,
- rapturous,
- ravished,
- ready to burst,
- reasty,
- reasy,
- rebarbative,
- record,
- reechy,
- reeking,
- reeky,
- renowned,
- repulsive,
- retroflex,
- reverse,
- rhapsodic,
- riant,
- rich,
- ripe,
- rosy,
- rotten,
- rounded,
- roused,
- sainted,
- sanctified,
- sanguine,
- sanguineous,
- secondary school,
- sedation,
- seminary,
- semivowel,
- senior high,
- senior high school,
- sent,
- serious,
- settling price,
- sharp,
- shellacked,
- shock,
- shrill,
- shrined,
- sickening,
- skunk-drunk,
- skyward,
- sleeping sickness,
- smashed,
- smellful,
- smelling,
- smelly,
- smiling,
- soaked,
- soaring,
- soft,
- sonant,
- sopor,
- soprano,
- sottedness,
- sour,
- soured,
- soused,
- spaced out,
- spacy,
- sparkling,
- spiring,
- spoiled,
- squall line,
- squeaky,
- squiffy,
- stale,
- standard transmission,
- stated value,
- stationary front,
- steamed up,
- steep,
- stenchy,
- stewed,
- stick shift,
- stiff,
- stilted,
- stimulated,
- stimulation,
- stinking,
- stinko,
- stirred,
- stirred up,
- stoned,
- stopped,
- straight up,
- stressed,
- strident,
- strong,
- strong-flavored,
- strong-tasting,
- stuffy,
- stupor,
- sublime,
- sulfurous,
- sumptuous,
- sunny,
- superb,
- supereminent,
- superior,
- superlative,
- supernal,
- surd,
- swacked,
- swings,
- swoon,
- sybaritic,
- syllabic,
- synchromesh,
- tainted,
- tall,
- tanked,
- tenor,
- tense,
- thanatosis,
- thick,
- thrilled,
- throaty,
- throned,
- tight,
- tingling,
- tingly,
- tipsiness,
- tipsy,
- tiptoe,
- titled,
- to excess,
- to extremes,
- to the zenith,
- tonal,
- tonic,
- too much,
- top,
- topless,
- toplofty,
- topping,
- towering,
- towery,
- trance,
- transmission,
- transported,
- treble,
- turbulent,
- turned,
- turned on,
- turned-on,
- twangy,
- unaccented,
- unbridled,
- unconscionable,
- undue,
- unpayable,
- unreasonable,
- unrestrained,
- unrounded,
- unstressed,
- up,
- upcast,
- upflung,
- uplifted,
- upraised,
- upreared,
- upright,
- upstairs,
- upthrown,
- upward,
- upwards,
- velar,
- vile,
- violent,
- vocalic,
- vocoid,
- voiced,
- voiceless,
- vomity,
- vowel,
- vowellike,
- warm front,
- weak,
- weather map,
- weevily,
- weighty,
- whipped up,
- wide,
- wind-shift line,
- winsome,
- without restraint,
- worked up,
- wrought up,
- yeasty,
- yucky,
- zonked