Exact Match:
- hypocrisy
- insincerity by virtue of pretending to have qualities or beliefs that you do not really have
- an expression of agreement that is not supported by real conviction
- Pecksniffery,
- Pharisaism,
- Tartuffery,
- Tartuffism,
- affectation,
- affectedness,
- airs,
- airs and graces,
- artfulness,
- artificiality,
- cant,
- casuistry,
- charlatanism,
- charlatanry,
- chicanery,
- craft,
- cunning,
- deceit,
- deceitfulness,
- deception,
- double-dealing,
- duplicity,
- empty gesture,
- facade,
- fakery,
- false front,
- false piety,
- false show,
- falseheartedness,
- falseness,
- feigned belief,
- front,
- furtiveness,
- glibness,
- goody-goodiness,
- guile,
- humbug,
- hypocriticalness,
- image,
- indirection,
- insidiousness,
- insincerity,
- lip service,
- lying,
- mannerism,
- mealymouthedness,
- mendacity,
- mere show,
- mouthing,
- mummery,
- oiliness,
- ostentatious devotion,
- pecksniffery,
- pharisaicalness,
- pharisaism,
- pietism,
- pietisticalness,
- piety,
- piousness,
- pretense,
- pretension,
- prunes and prisms,
- public image,
- put-on,
- putting on airs,
- quackery,
- religionism,
- religiosity,
- sanctimoniousness,
- sanctimony,
- self-righteousness,
- sham,
- shiftiness,
- show,
- sneak attack,
- sneakiness,
- snivel,
- snuffle,
- snuffling,
- soft soap,
- stylishness,
- surreptitiousness,
- sweet talk,
- tokenism,
- treacherousness,
- two-facedness,
- unction,
- unctuousness,
- underhandedness,
- unnaturalness