Exact Match:
- hysteron proteron
- the logical fallacy of using as a true premise a proposition that is yet to be proved
- reversal of normal order of two words or sentences etc. (as in `bred and born')
- anastrophe,
- argument,
- argument by analogy,
- argumentum ad baculum,
- argumentum ad captandum,
- argumentum ad hominem,
- arsy-varsiness,
- bad case,
- begging the question,
- chiasmus,
- circular argument,
- claptrap,
- clutter,
- crowd-pleasing argument,
- empty words,
- fallacy,
- farrago,
- formal fallacy,
- hash,
- helter-skelter,
- higgledy-piggledy,
- hodgepodge,
- hypallage,
- hyperbaton,
- insincere argument,
- jumble,
- litter,
- logical fallacy,
- material fallacy,
- mere rhetoric,
- mess,
- metastasis,
- metathesis,
- mishmash,
- moonshine,
- non sequitur,
- palindrome,
- paralogism,
- parenthesis,
- petitio principii,
- philosophism,
- pseudosyllogism,
- scramble,
- solecism,
- sophism,
- sophistry,
- synchysis,
- tmesis,
- topsy-turviness,
- topsy-turvydom,
- tumble,
- turmoil,
- unholy mess,
- verbal fallacy,
- weak point,
- welter