not prudent or wise; "very imprudent of her mother to encourage her in such silly romantic ideas"; "would be imprudent for a noneconomist to talk about the details of economic policy"- A.M.Schlesinger
threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments; "a baleful look"; "forbidding thunderclouds"; "his tone became menacing"; "ominous rumblings of discontent"; "sinister storm clouds"; "a sinister smile"; "his threatening behavior"; "ugly black clouds"; "the situation became ugly"
deadly or sinister; "the Florida eagles have a fierce baleful look"
lacking regard for the rights or feelings of others; "shockingly inconsiderate behavior"
without proper consideration or reflection; "slovenly inconsiderate reasoning"; "unconsidered words"; "prejudice is the holding of unconsidered opinions"
adorned or crowned with a circlet; sometimes used as combining forms; "a brow encircled with laurel"; "wreathed in an extraordinary luminescence"; "ringed round with daisies"; "smoke-wreathed"
enclosed within a circle; "the encircled camp was complete cut off"
without careful prior deliberation or counsel; "ill-advised efforts"; "it would be ill-advised to accept the offer"; "took the unadvised measure of going public with the accusations"