Exact Match:
- imitation
- copying (or trying to copy) the actions of someone else
- a copy that is represented as the original
- the doctrine that representations of nature or human behavior should be accurate imitations
- accordance,
- acting,
- adoption,
- affected,
- agent,
- agreement,
- alike,
- alikeness,
- alliance,
- alternate,
- alternative,
- analogy,
- aped,
- aping,
- apocryphal,
- approach,
- appropriation,
- approximation,
- artificial,
- assimilation,
- assumed,
- assumption,
- backup,
- bastard,
- bogus,
- borrowed plumes,
- brummagem,
- burlesque,
- caricature,
- certified copy,
- change,
- changeling,
- characterization,
- cheat,
- clinquant,
- closeness,
- colorable,
- colored,
- community,
- comparability,
- comparison,
- conduplication,
- conformity,
- consimilar,
- copied,
- copy,
- copying,
- correspondence,
- counterfeit,
- counterfeited,
- counterpart,
- deputy,
- derivation,
- deriving,
- distorted,
- double,
- doubling,
- dressed up,
- dumb show,
- dummy,
- duplicate,
- duplication,
- echo,
- ectype,
- embellished,
- embodiment,
- embroidered,
- emulation,
- enacting,
- enactment,
- equal,
- equivalent,
- ersatz,
- exchange,
- facsimile,
- factitious,
- fair copy,
- faithful copy,
- fake,
- faked,
- fakement,
- false,
- falsified,
- farce,
- favoring,
- feigned,
- fictitious,
- fictive,
- fill-in,
- following,
- forged,
- forgery,
- frame-up,
- fraud,
- garbled,
- gemination,
- ghost,
- ghostwriter,
- hoax,
- hokey,
- homogeneous,
- icon,
- identical,
- identity,
- illegitimate,
- image,
- imitated,
- impersonating,
- impersonation,
- impostor,
- impression,
- incarnation,
- infringement,
- ingemination,
- iteration,
- junk,
- junky,
- knockoff,
- lampoon,
- like,
- likeness,
- likening,
- locum tenens,
- make-believe,
- makeshift,
- man-made,
- masquerade,
- metaphor,
- metonymy,
- mimesis,
- mimicked,
- mimicking,
- mimicry,
- miming,
- mock,
- mock-up,
- mockery,
- mocking,
- model,
- nearly reproduced,
- nearness,
- next best thing,
- not unlike,
- palingenesis,
- pantomime,
- pantomiming,
- parallelism,
- paraphrase,
- parity,
- parody,
- paste,
- pasticcio,
- pastiche,
- performance,
- performing,
- personation,
- personification,
- personnel,
- perverted,
- phony,
- picture,
- pinch,
- pinch hitter,
- pinchbeck,
- pirating,
- plagiarism,
- plagiarized,
- plagiary,
- playing,
- portrait,
- portrayal,
- posing,
- pretended,
- provisional,
- proxy,
- pseudo,
- put-on,
- put-up job,
- quasi,
- queer,
- quotation,
- re-creation,
- re-formation,
- reappearance,
- rebirth,
- rebuilding,
- reconstitution,
- reconstruction,
- recurrence,
- redesign,
- redoing,
- redoubling,
- reduplication,
- reecho,
- reedition,
- reestablishment,
- refashioning,
- regeneration,
- regenesis,
- regurgitation,
- reincarnation,
- reinstitution,
- reissue,
- reiteration,
- relief,
- remaking,
- renascence,
- renewal,
- renovation,
- reoccurrence,
- reorganization,
- repetition,
- replacement,
- replica,
- replication,
- representation,
- representative,
- reprinting,
- reproduction,
- resemblance,
- resembling,
- reserve,
- reserves,
- reshaping,
- restoration,
- restructuring,
- resumption,
- resurrection,
- return,
- revision,
- revival,
- ringer,
- rip-off,
- sameness,
- satire,
- second string,
- secondary,
- self-styled,
- semblance,
- sham,
- shoddy,
- sign,
- similar,
- similarity,
- simile,
- similitude,
- simulacrum,
- simulated,
- simulation,
- smacking of,
- so-called,
- soi-disant,
- something like,
- spare,
- spares,
- spurious,
- squib,
- stand-in,
- stopgap,
- sub,
- substituent,
- substitute,
- substitution,
- succedaneum,
- suggestive of,
- superseder,
- supplanter,
- supposititious,
- surrogate,
- swindle,
- symbol,
- synecdoche,
- synthetic,
- take-off,
- takeoff,
- taking,
- temporary,
- tentative,
- third string,
- tin,
- tinsel,
- titivated,
- token,
- travesty,
- twinning,
- twisted,
- unauthentic,
- understudy,
- ungenuine,
- uniform with,
- unnatural,
- unreal,
- utility,
- utility player,
- version,
- vicar,
- vicarious,
- vice-president,
- vice-regent,
- warped,
- whited sepulcher,
- wicked imitation