Exact Match:
- immolation
- killing or offering as a sacrifice
- bane,
- blood,
- bloodletting,
- bloodshed,
- braining,
- burnt offering,
- collection,
- dealing death,
- destruction,
- destruction of life,
- dispatch,
- drink offering,
- euthanasia,
- ex voto offering,
- execution,
- extermination,
- flow of blood,
- gore,
- heave offering,
- hecatomb,
- holocaust,
- human sacrifice,
- incense,
- infanticide,
- kill,
- killing,
- lapidation,
- libation,
- mactation,
- martyrdom,
- martyrization,
- mercy killing,
- oblation,
- offering,
- offertory,
- peace offering,
- piacular offering,
- poisoning,
- ritual killing,
- ritual murder,
- sacramental offering,
- sacrifice,
- scapegoat,
- self-immolation,
- self-sacrifice,
- shooting,
- slaughter,
- slaying,
- stoning,
- suttee,
- sutteeism,
- taking of life,
- thank offering,
- votive offering,
- whole offering