Exact Match:
- imposition
- the act of imposing something (as a tax or an embargo)
- an uncalled-for burden; "he listened but resented the imposition"
- Intertype,
- Linotype,
- Monotype,
- application,
- applying,
- assessment,
- assumption,
- atrocity,
- ballot-box stuffing,
- blackmail,
- bunco,
- burden,
- burthen,
- call,
- call for,
- cardsharping,
- cargo,
- cess,
- charge,
- cheat,
- cheating,
- claim,
- cold-type typesetting,
- composing,
- composing stick,
- composition,
- computerized typesetting,
- conscience money,
- contribution,
- cozenage,
- cross,
- cumbrance,
- deadweight,
- demand,
- demand for,
- diddle,
- diddling,
- difficulty,
- direct tax,
- disadvantage,
- dishonesty,
- disservice,
- dodge,
- draft,
- drain,
- dummy,
- duty,
- embarrassment,
- encroachment,
- encumbrance,
- enforcement,
- enforcing,
- entrance,
- entrenchment,
- exaction,
- extortion,
- extortionate demand,
- familiarity,
- fishy transaction,
- flam,
- flimflam,
- fraud,
- fraudulence,
- fraudulency,
- freight,
- furniture,
- galley chase,
- gerrymandering,
- graduated taxation,
- graft,
- great wrong,
- grievance,
- grift,
- gross injustice,
- gyp,
- gyp joint,
- hamper,
- handicap,
- heavy demand,
- hot-metal typesetting,
- hubris,
- illicit business,
- impediment,
- impedimenta,
- impingement,
- impost,
- imposture,
- inconvenience,
- incursion,
- indent,
- indirect tax,
- infiltration,
- inflicting,
- infliction,
- influx,
- infringement,
- injection,
- injury,
- injustice,
- inroad,
- insinuation,
- insistent demand,
- interference,
- interjection,
- interloping,
- interposition,
- interposure,
- interruption,
- intervention,
- introduction,
- intrusion,
- invasion,
- irruption,
- joint return,
- justification,
- lawlessness,
- laying on,
- layout,
- levy,
- liberties,
- liberty abused,
- license,
- licentiousness,
- line of type,
- load,
- lumber,
- miscarriage of justice,
- misuse,
- nonnegotiable demand,
- notice,
- obtrusion,
- onus,
- order,
- outrage,
- pack,
- penalty,
- photocomposition,
- photosetting,
- phototypesetter,
- phototypesetting machine,
- placement,
- placing,
- presumption,
- presumptuousness,
- progressive tax,
- promulgation,
- quoin,
- racket,
- raw deal,
- requirement,
- requisition,
- rush,
- rush order,
- scam,
- separate returns,
- setting,
- single tax,
- slug,
- supertax,
- surtax,
- swindle,
- tax,
- tax base,
- tax dodging,
- tax evasion,
- tax exemption,
- tax return,
- tax structure,
- tax withholding,
- tax-exempt status,
- taxable income,
- taxation,
- taxing,
- tithe,
- toll,
- trespass,
- trespassing,
- tribute,
- trouble,
- typesetting,
- typesetting machine,
- ultimatum,
- undue liberty,
- unlawful entry,
- warning,
- weight,
- white elephant,
- withholding tax,
- wrong