- arguable,
- at issue,
- before the house,
- conditional,
- conditioned,
- confutable,
- conjectural,
- contestable,
- contingent,
- controversial,
- controvertible,
- debatable,
- deniable,
- dependent,
- depending,
- disputable,
- doubtable,
- doubtful,
- dubious,
- dubitable,
- iffy,
- in debate,
- in dispute,
- in doubt,
- in dubio,
- in suspense,
- in the balance,
- mistakable,
- moot,
- on the agenda,
- on the docket,
- on the floor,
- on the table,
- open,
- open for discussion,
- open to doubt,
- open to question,
- pendent,
- pending,
- problematic,
- questionable,
- refutable,
- speculative,
- sub judice,
- suppositional,
- suspect,
- suspenseful,
- suspicious,
- uncounted,
- undecided,
- under active consideration,
- under advisement,
- under consideration,
- under examination,
- under investigation,
- under surveillance,
- undetermined,
- unestablished,
- unfixed,
- unsettled,
- untold,
- up for grabs