- apish,
- asinine,
- at fever pitch,
- batty,
- becharmed,
- befooled,
- beguiled,
- besotted,
- bewitched,
- brainless,
- buffoonish,
- captivated,
- charmed,
- cockeyed,
- crazy,
- credulous,
- daffy,
- daft,
- dazed,
- delirious,
- dizzy,
- doting,
- dotty,
- dumb,
- easily taken in,
- easy of belief,
- enamored,
- enchanted,
- enraptured,
- enthused,
- enthusiastic,
- enthusiastic about,
- fanatical,
- fascinated,
- fatuitous,
- fatuous,
- febrile,
- feverish,
- fixated,
- flaky,
- fond,
- fool,
- foolheaded,
- foolish,
- frantic,
- frenetic,
- frenzied,
- fuddled,
- full of enthusiasm,
- furious,
- futile,
- gaga,
- glowing,
- goofy,
- gripped,
- gulled,
- gung-ho,
- heartsmitten,
- hectic,
- held,
- hung-up,
- hypnotized,
- hysteric,
- idiotic,
- imbecile,
- inane,
- inclined to believe,
- inept,
- infatuate,
- infatuated with,
- insane,
- keen on,
- kooky,
- loony,
- mad,
- maudlin,
- mesmerized,
- monomaniac,
- monomaniacal,
- moronic,
- nutty,
- obsessed,
- overanxious,
- overconfiding,
- overcredulous,
- overdesirous,
- overeager,
- overenthusiastic,
- overtrustful,
- overtrusting,
- overzealous,
- perfervid,
- possessed,
- preoccupied,
- prepossessed,
- sappy,
- screwy,
- senseless,
- sentimental,
- silly,
- smitten,
- spellbound,
- stupid,
- superstitious,
- taken with,
- thoughtless,
- trustful,
- trusting,
- ultrazealous,
- uncritical,
- undoubting,
- unskeptical,
- unsuspecting,
- unsuspicious,
- wacky,
- wet,
- wild,
- witless