Exact Match:
- innocent
- a person who lacks knowledge of evil
- (used of things) lacking sense or awareness; "fine innocent weather"
- lacking intent or capacity to injure; "an innocent prank"
- free from evil or guilt; "an innocent child"; "the principle that one is innocent until proved guilty"
- lacking in sophistication or worldliness; "a child's innocent stare"; "his ingenuous explanation that he would not have burned the church if he had not thought the bishop was in it"
- above suspicion,
- angel,
- angelic,
- artless,
- awkward,
- babe,
- bairn,
- beginner,
- benign,
- blameless,
- blankminded,
- blotless,
- bluff,
- blunt,
- boob,
- born yesterday,
- budding,
- callow,
- candid,
- chaste,
- cherub,
- child,
- child of nature,
- childlike,
- chit,
- chump,
- cinch,
- clean,
- cleanly,
- clear,
- confiding,
- credulous,
- credulous person,
- cull,
- darling,
- dependent,
- depending,
- destitute,
- dewy,
- direct,
- dove,
- dovelike,
- dumb,
- dupe,
- easy mark,
- easy pickings,
- empty,
- empty-headed,
- exemplary,
- fall guy,
- faultless,
- fish,
- fool,
- frank,
- gauche,
- gobe-mouches,
- green,
- greener,
- greenhorn,
- greeny,
- groping,
- growing,
- gudgeon,
- guileless,
- guiltless,
- gull,
- gullible,
- harmless,
- hick,
- honest,
- ignorant,
- immaculate,
- immature,
- impubic,
- in the clear,
- inane,
- incorrupt,
- inculpable,
- inexperienced,
- infant,
- ingenu,
- ingenue,
- ingenuous,
- innocuous,
- inoffensive,
- intact,
- irreproachable,
- juicy,
- kid,
- kitten,
- know-nothing,
- lamb,
- lambkin,
- lamblike,
- leadpipe cinch,
- legal,
- legitimate,
- licit,
- little bugger,
- little fellow,
- little guy,
- little innocent,
- little one,
- little tad,
- little tot,
- lout,
- mere child,
- minor,
- mite,
- monkey,
- naive,
- nescient,
- new-fledged,
- newborn babe,
- newcomer,
- nipper,
- noble savage,
- nonmalignant,
- nonpoisonous,
- nontoxic,
- nonvirulent,
- not guilty,
- novice,
- oaf,
- offenseless,
- offspring,
- open,
- openhearted,
- outspoken,
- patsy,
- peewee,
- pigeon,
- plain,
- plaything,
- prelapsarian,
- pristine,
- prize sap,
- pure,
- pure in heart,
- purehearted,
- pushover,
- raw,
- reliant,
- relying,
- reproachless,
- righteous,
- ripening,
- rube,
- safe,
- sans reproche,
- sap,
- saphead,
- sappy,
- schlemiel,
- sexually innocent,
- shaver,
- simple,
- simple soul,
- simplehearted,
- simpleminded,
- sincere,
- single-hearted,
- single-minded,
- sinless,
- sitting duck,
- snowy,
- spotless,
- stainless,
- stooge,
- strange to,
- sucker,
- tad,
- taintless,
- tender,
- tentative,
- tot,
- toy,
- trustful,
- trusting,
- trusting soul,
- trusty,
- unacquainted,
- unadult,
- unaffected,
- unapprized,
- unartificial,
- unblamable,
- unblemished,
- unblotted,
- uncomprehending,
- unconversant,
- uncorrupt,
- uncorrupted,
- undamaging,
- undefiled,
- underage,
- undeveloped,
- unenlightened,
- unfallen,
- unfamiliar,
- unfledged,
- unformed,
- unguarded,
- unhurtful,
- unilluminated,
- unimpeachable,
- uninformed,
- uninitiated,
- uninjurious,
- unintelligent,
- unknowing,
- unlapsed,
- unlicked,
- unmellowed,
- unobjectionable,
- unobnoxious,
- unoffending,
- unpolluted,
- unposted,
- unreserved,
- unripe,
- unschooled,
- unseasoned,
- unsoiled,
- unsophisticate,
- unsophisticated,
- unspotted,
- unstained,
- unstudied,
- unsullied,
- unsure,
- unsuspecting,
- unsuspicious,
- untainted,
- untarnished,
- untouched by evil,
- unversed,
- unwary,
- unworldly,
- vacuous,
- vernal,
- victim,
- virginal,
- virtuous,
- void,
- wee tot,
- well-intentioned,
- white,
- with clean hands,
- without reproach,
- without suspicion,
- yokel