Exact Match:
- integrity
- moral soundness; "he expects to find in us the common honesty and integrity of men of business"; "they admired his scrupulous professional integrity"
- an undivided or unbroken completeness or totality with nothing wanting; "the integrity of the nervous system is required for normal development"; "he took measures to insure the territorial unity of Croatia"
- absoluteness,
- assured probity,
- blamelessness,
- character,
- cleanness,
- coherence,
- collectivity,
- combination,
- completeness,
- complex,
- comprehensiveness,
- decency,
- differentiation,
- differentness,
- distinctiveness,
- egohood,
- elementarity,
- embodiment,
- entireness,
- entirety,
- erectness,
- estimableness,
- exhaustiveness,
- fairness,
- forthrightness,
- fullness,
- fundamentality,
- fusion,
- good character,
- goodness,
- high ideals,
- high principles,
- high-mindedness,
- homogeneity,
- honesty,
- honor,
- honorableness,
- human factor,
- identity,
- immaculacy,
- inclusiveness,
- incorruptibility,
- incorruption,
- individualism,
- individuality,
- indivisibility,
- intactness,
- integer,
- integrality,
- integration,
- inviolability,
- irreducibility,
- irreproachability,
- irreproachableness,
- justice,
- justness,
- monism,
- moral excellence,
- moral strength,
- morality,
- nobility,
- nominalism,
- nonconformity,
- omnipresence,
- oneness,
- organic unity,
- particularism,
- particularity,
- perfection,
- personal equation,
- personal identity,
- personality,
- personship,
- pervasiveness,
- plainness,
- plenitude,
- principle,
- principles,
- probity,
- pureness,
- purity,
- rectitude,
- reputability,
- respectability,
- righteousness,
- self-identity,
- selfhood,
- selfness,
- selfsameness,
- severity,
- simpleness,
- simplicity,
- singleness,
- singularity,
- solidarity,
- solidification,
- solidity,
- soul,
- soundness,
- stability,
- stainlessness,
- starkness,
- straightforwardness,
- thoroughness,
- togetherness,
- totality,
- trustworthiness,
- ubiquity,
- unadulteration,
- undividedness,
- unification,
- uniformity,
- unimpeachability,
- unimpeachableness,
- uniqueness,
- unity,
- universality,
- univocity,
- unmixedness,
- unsophistication,
- unspottedness,
- uprightness,
- upstandingness,
- veracity,
- virtue,
- virtuousness,
- whole,
- wholeness,
- worthiness