Exact Match:
- irony
- incongruity between what might be expected and what actually occurs; "the irony of Ireland's copying the nation she most hated"
- a trope that involves incongruity between what is expected and what occurs
- Atticism,
- Janus,
- agile wit,
- ambiguity,
- ambiguousness,
- ambivalence,
- amphibology,
- antinomy,
- biformity,
- bifurcation,
- black humor,
- burlesque,
- caricature,
- causticity,
- comedy,
- complexity of meaning,
- conjugation,
- cynicism,
- dichotomy,
- double entendre,
- double meaning,
- double reference,
- doubleness,
- doublethink,
- doubling,
- dry wit,
- dualism,
- duality,
- duplexity,
- duplication,
- duplicity,
- equivocacy,
- equivocality,
- equivocalness,
- equivocation,
- esprit,
- farce,
- halving,
- humor,
- innuendo,
- invective,
- lampoon,
- levels of meaning,
- multivocality,
- nimble wit,
- oxymoron,
- pairing,
- paradox,
- parody,
- paronomasia,
- pleasantry,
- polarity,
- polysemousness,
- polysemy,
- pretty wit,
- punning,
- quick wit,
- ready wit,
- richness of meaning,
- salt,
- sarcasm,
- satire,
- satiric wit,
- savor of wit,
- self-contradiction,
- slapstick,
- slapstick humor,
- squib,
- subtle wit,
- travesty,
- twinning,
- two-facedness,
- twoness,
- uncertainty,
- visual humor,
- wit