Exact Match:
- lamb
- young sheep
- the flesh of a young domestic sheep eaten as food
- a sweet innocent mild-mannered person (especially a child)
- a person easily deceived or cheated (especially in financial matters)
- English essayist (1775-1834)
- give birth to a lamb; "the ewe lambed"
- agneau,
- angel,
- babe,
- baby,
- baby-doll,
- bairn,
- bellwether,
- birdling,
- breast of lamb,
- buttercup,
- calf,
- catling,
- cherub,
- chick,
- chickabiddy,
- chickling,
- chicky,
- child,
- child of nature,
- chit,
- colt,
- cub,
- darling,
- dear,
- deary,
- dogie,
- doll,
- dove,
- duck,
- duckling,
- dupe,
- ewe,
- ewe lamb,
- fawn,
- fledgling,
- foal,
- fryer,
- gigot,
- gosling,
- hick,
- hon,
- honey,
- honey bunch,
- honey child,
- infant,
- ingenue,
- innocent,
- jambe de mouton,
- jumbuck,
- kid,
- kit,
- kitten,
- lambkin,
- leg of lamb,
- leg of mutton,
- litter,
- little bugger,
- little fellow,
- little guy,
- little innocent,
- little one,
- little tad,
- little tot,
- lout,
- love,
- lover,
- mere child,
- mite,
- mouton,
- mutton,
- nest,
- nestling,
- newborn babe,
- nipper,
- noble savage,
- oaf,
- offspring,
- peewee,
- pet,
- petkins,
- piglet,
- pigling,
- polliwog,
- precious,
- precious heart,
- pullet,
- pup,
- puppy,
- ram,
- rube,
- saddle of mutton,
- shaver,
- sheep,
- shoat,
- simple soul,
- snookums,
- sugar,
- sweet,
- sweetheart,
- sweetie,
- sweetkins,
- sweets,
- tad,
- tadpole,
- teg,
- tot,
- tup,
- unsophisticate,
- weaner,
- wee tot,
- wether,
- whelp,
- yeanling,
- yokel