Exact Match:
- laziness
- relaxed and easy activity; "the laziness of the day helped her to relax"
- abandon,
- careless abandon,
- carelessness,
- casualness,
- cautiousness,
- circumspection,
- creeping,
- cursoriness,
- deliberateness,
- deliberation,
- dilatoriness,
- disregardfulness,
- do-nothingness,
- drawl,
- easiness,
- ergophobia,
- faineancy,
- faineantise,
- foot-dragging,
- forgetfulness,
- hastiness,
- heedlessness,
- hoboism,
- idleness,
- inconsiderateness,
- inconsideration,
- indifference,
- indolence,
- inertia,
- inertness,
- inexertion,
- insouciance,
- lack of foresight,
- laggardness,
- languor,
- laze,
- leisureliness,
- lentitude,
- lentor,
- lotus-eating,
- oblivion,
- offhandedness,
- perfunctoriness,
- pokiness,
- recklessness,
- regardlessness,
- reluctance,
- remissness,
- shiftlessness,
- slackness,
- sloth,
- slothfulness,
- slouch,
- slowness,
- sluggardy,
- sluggishness,
- sprezzatura,
- spring fever,
- tactlessness,
- tentativeness,
- thoughtlessness,
- unheedfulness,
- unmindfulness,
- unpreparedness,
- unreadiness,
- unsolicitousness,
- unsolicitude,
- unthinkingness,
- vagrancy