Exact Match:
- lime
- the green acidic fruit of any of various lime trees
- any of various related trees bearing limes
- cover with lime so as to induce growth; "lime the lawn"
- acid,
- acidulant,
- allure,
- bait,
- bait the hook,
- birdlime,
- bola,
- bread-and-butter pickle,
- burden,
- catch,
- catch out,
- chokecherry,
- cobweb,
- crab apple,
- cramp,
- cripple,
- cumber,
- decoy,
- dill pickle,
- dragnet,
- embarrass,
- encumber,
- enmesh,
- ensnare,
- ensnarl,
- entangle,
- entoil,
- entrammel,
- entrap,
- entwine,
- enweb,
- fetter,
- fishhook,
- fly,
- gill net,
- gin,
- green apple,
- ground bait,
- hamper,
- hamstring,
- handicap,
- hobble,
- hook,
- hook in,
- impede,
- inveigle,
- involve,
- jig,
- lame,
- lariat,
- lasso,
- lemon,
- lumber,
- lure,
- mesh,
- meshes,
- net,
- noose,
- pickle,
- plug,
- pound net,
- press down,
- purse seine,
- saddle with,
- seine,
- shackle,
- snare,
- snarl,
- sniggle,
- sour,
- sour balls,
- sour cream,
- sour grapes,
- sour pickle,
- sourdough,
- spinner,
- spread the toils,
- springe,
- squid,
- tangle,
- toil,
- toils,
- trammel,
- trap,
- trawl,
- trip,
- verjuice,
- vinegar,
- weigh down,
- wind,
- wobbler,
- yogurt