Exact Match:
- luster
- a surface coating for ceramics or porcelain
- a quality that outshines the usual
- abundant year,
- academic year,
- afterglow,
- air glow,
- annum,
- aura,
- be bright,
- beacon,
- beam,
- bedazzle,
- bissextile year,
- blaze,
- blaze of glory,
- blind,
- brightness,
- brilliance,
- brilliancy,
- buff,
- burn,
- burnish,
- calendar month,
- calendar year,
- candescence,
- ceiling fixture,
- century,
- chandelier,
- charisma,
- circlet,
- common year,
- corona,
- corona lucis,
- crown,
- day,
- daze,
- dazzle,
- decade,
- decennary,
- decennium,
- defective year,
- diffuse light,
- effulgence,
- electrolier,
- envelope,
- finish,
- fiscal year,
- flame,
- flare,
- flash,
- flush,
- fortnight,
- fulgurate,
- furbish,
- gasolier,
- give light,
- glamour,
- glance,
- glare,
- glaze,
- gleam,
- glint,
- gloriousness,
- glory,
- gloss,
- glow,
- gorgeousness,
- halo,
- heavenliness,
- hour,
- illustriousness,
- incandesce,
- incandescence,
- iridescence,
- leap year,
- luminosity,
- lunar month,
- lunar year,
- lunation,
- lustrum,
- magic,
- man-hour,
- microsecond,
- millennium,
- millisecond,
- minute,
- moment,
- month,
- moon,
- mystique,
- nimbus,
- numinousness,
- opalescence,
- patina,
- polish,
- quarter,
- quinquennium,
- radiance,
- radiate,
- ravishingness,
- refulgence,
- regular year,
- resplendence,
- resplendency,
- rub,
- scour,
- second,
- semester,
- send out rays,
- session,
- sheen,
- shine,
- shine brightly,
- shininess,
- shining light,
- shoot,
- shoot out rays,
- sidereal year,
- skylight,
- sleek,
- slick,
- slick down,
- solar year,
- splendidness,
- splendor,
- splendorousness,
- splendrousness,
- sublimity,
- sun,
- sunset glow,
- term,
- trimester,
- twelvemonth,
- varnish,
- wax,
- week,
- weekday,
- year