Exact Match:
- malevolence
- the quality of threatening evil
- wishing evil to others
- Anglophobia,
- Russophobia,
- abhorrence,
- abomination,
- antagonism,
- anti-Semitism,
- antipathy,
- aversion,
- bad blood,
- bad temper,
- bad will,
- badness,
- belligerence,
- bigotry,
- blighting glance,
- clash,
- clashing,
- collision,
- conflict,
- contention,
- damnability,
- despite,
- despitefulness,
- detestation,
- dislike,
- evil disposition,
- evil eye,
- evilness,
- execration,
- friction,
- grudge,
- hate,
- hatred,
- hostility,
- ill nature,
- ill will,
- ill-disposedness,
- improperness,
- inaccuracy,
- inauspiciousness,
- inexpedience,
- inferiority,
- invalidity,
- loathing,
- malice,
- maliciousness,
- malignity,
- malocchio,
- misandry,
- misanthropy,
- misogyny,
- moral badness,
- odium,
- peccancy,
- quarrelsomeness,
- race hatred,
- racism,
- reprehensibility,
- repugnance,
- spite,
- spitefulness,
- spleen,
- unfavorableness,
- unhealthiness,
- unkindness,
- unpleasantness,
- unskillfulness,
- vials of hate,
- vials of wrath,
- viciousness,
- whammy,
- wickedness,
- xenophobia