Exact Match:
- manuscript
- the form of a literary work submitted for publication
- handwritten book or document
- Aldine,
- Aldine book,
- Elzevir,
- Elzevir book,
- article,
- autograph,
- autographic,
- autography,
- brainchild,
- calligraphic,
- calligraphy,
- chirographic,
- chirography,
- codex,
- composed matter,
- composition,
- computer printout,
- copy,
- cradle book,
- cursive,
- dead matter,
- document,
- draft,
- early edition,
- edited version,
- engrossed,
- engrossment,
- essay,
- fair copy,
- fiction,
- final draft,
- finished version,
- first draft,
- first edition,
- fist,
- flimsy,
- flowing,
- graphanalysis,
- graphic,
- graphoanalytic,
- graphologic,
- graphology,
- graphometric,
- graphometry,
- hand,
- handwriting,
- holograph,
- holographic,
- in longhand,
- in shorthand,
- in writing,
- incunabulum,
- inscribed,
- italic,
- italicized,
- letter,
- literae scriptae,
- literary artefact,
- literary production,
- literature,
- live matter,
- longhand,
- lucubration,
- matter,
- nonfiction,
- on paper,
- opus,
- original,
- paleography,
- paper,
- parchment,
- penciled,
- pencraft,
- penmanship,
- penned,
- penscript,
- piece,
- piece of writing,
- play,
- poem,
- printed,
- printed matter,
- printout,
- production,
- rare book,
- reading matter,
- recension,
- running,
- screed,
- scrip,
- script,
- scription,
- scriptorial,
- scriptural,
- scrive,
- scroll,
- second draft,
- shorthand,
- standing matter,
- stylographic,
- stylography,
- the written word,
- transcript,
- transcription,
- typescript,
- version,
- work,
- writing,
- written