Exact Match:
- minimum
- the point on a curve where the tangent changes from negative on the left to positive on the right
- the smallest possible quantity
- ace,
- adequacy,
- adequate,
- adequate supply,
- adequateness,
- ample,
- atom,
- bare minimum,
- bare sufficiency,
- barely sufficient,
- bit,
- commensurate,
- competence,
- competency,
- competent,
- corresponding,
- dab,
- decent,
- dole,
- dot,
- dram,
- dribble,
- driblet,
- due,
- dwarf,
- enough,
- equal to,
- exact measure,
- farthing,
- few,
- fit,
- fleck,
- flyspeck,
- fragment,
- gobbet,
- good,
- good enough,
- grain,
- granule,
- groat,
- hair,
- handful,
- iota,
- jot,
- just enough,
- least,
- little,
- little bit,
- littlest,
- lota,
- lowest,
- margin,
- minim,
- minimal,
- minutiae,
- mite,
- modicum,
- molecule,
- mote,
- nadir,
- nominal,
- nutshell,
- ounce,
- particle,
- pebble,
- pinch,
- pittance,
- plenty,
- plenty good enough,
- point,
- proportionate,
- reduced,
- right amount,
- satisfaction,
- satisfactoriness,
- satisfactory,
- satisfactory amount,
- scruple,
- shortest,
- slightest,
- smallest,
- smidgen,
- smitch,
- speck,
- spoonful,
- spot,
- substantial,
- sufficiency,
- sufficient,
- sufficient for,
- sufficientness,
- sufficing,
- suitable,
- thimbleful,
- tiny bit,
- tittle,
- trifling amount,
- trivia,
- up to,
- whit