Exact Match:
- miscue
- a faulty shot in billiards; the cue tip slips off the cue ball
- bad job,
- balk,
- be all thumbs,
- bevue,
- blooper,
- blunder,
- blunder away,
- blunder into,
- blunder on,
- blunder upon,
- bobble,
- boggle,
- bonehead play,
- boner,
- boo-boo,
- botch,
- bumble,
- bungle,
- butcher,
- clumsy performance,
- commit a gaffe,
- error,
- etourderie,
- false move,
- false step,
- faux pas,
- flounder,
- flub,
- fluff,
- foozle,
- fumble,
- gaucherie,
- hash,
- inadvertence,
- inadvertency,
- lapse,
- lapsus calami,
- lapsus linguae,
- loose thread,
- lumber,
- make a miscue,
- make a mistake,
- mar,
- mess,
- misapprehend,
- misconceive,
- misidentify,
- misinterpret,
- misstep,
- mistake,
- misunderstand,
- muddle,
- muff,
- murder,
- off day,
- omission,
- oversight,
- play havoc with,
- sad work,
- slip,
- slipup,
- spoil,
- stumble,
- trip,
- wrong step