Exact Match:
- misreading
- misinterpretation caused by inaccurate reading
- abuse of terms,
- catachresis,
- contorting,
- distortion,
- eisegesis,
- error,
- error in judgment,
- garbling,
- gloss,
- injudiciousness,
- malentendu,
- malobservation,
- misapplication,
- misappreciation,
- misapprehension,
- miscalculation,
- miscitation,
- miscomputation,
- misconception,
- misconjecture,
- misconstruction,
- misestimation,
- misevaluation,
- misexplanation,
- misexplication,
- misexposition,
- misintelligence,
- misinterpretation,
- misjudgment,
- misquotation,
- misrendering,
- mistranslation,
- misunderstanding,
- misuse of words,
- misvaluation,
- perversion,
- poor judgment,
- skewed judgment,
- squeezing,
- torturing,
- twisting,
- wrenching,
- wrong construction,
- wrong impression