Exact Match:
- monster
- (medicine) a grossly malformed and usually nonviable fetus
- an imaginary creature usually having various human and animal parts
- a cruel wicked and inhuman person
- Argus,
- Atlantean,
- Briareus,
- Brobdingnagian,
- Cerberus,
- Charybdis,
- Cyclopean,
- Cyclops,
- Dracula,
- Echidna,
- Frankenstein,
- Gargantuan,
- Gorgon,
- Harpy,
- Herculean,
- Homeric,
- Hydra,
- Loch Ness monster,
- Mafioso,
- Medusa,
- Minotaur,
- Pegasus,
- Python,
- Scylla,
- Sphinx,
- Talos,
- Typhon,
- Wolf-man,
- Young Turk,
- abortion,
- abysmal,
- amplitudinous,
- ape-man,
- astronomic,
- astronomical,
- awesome,
- baboon,
- bag,
- beast,
- beldam,
- berserk,
- berserker,
- blemish,
- blot,
- bogey,
- bogeyman,
- bomber,
- boundless,
- brute,
- bugaboo,
- bugbear,
- bulky,
- centaur,
- chimera,
- cockatrice,
- colossal,
- cosmic,
- deformity,
- demon,
- devil,
- devil incarnate,
- dinosaur,
- dog,
- dragon,
- drake,
- elephant,
- elephantine,
- enormous,
- epic,
- extensive,
- eyesore,
- fee-faw-fum,
- fiend,
- fiend from hell,
- fire-eater,
- firebrand,
- freak,
- freak of nature,
- fright,
- frightener,
- fury,
- galactic,
- gargantuan,
- gargoyle,
- ghost,
- ghoul,
- giant,
- giantlike,
- gigantic,
- goon,
- gorilla,
- griffin,
- gunsel,
- hag,
- hardnose,
- harpy,
- harridan,
- hell-raiser,
- hellcat,
- hellhound,
- hellion,
- hellkite,
- heroic,
- hippo,
- hippocampus,
- hippopotamus,
- hobgoblin,
- holy terror,
- hood,
- hoodlum,
- horror,
- hothead,
- hotspur,
- huge,
- immeasurable,
- immense,
- incendiary,
- incubus,
- infinite,
- jumbo,
- killer,
- king-size,
- lamia,
- large,
- leviathan,
- mad dog,
- madcap,
- mammoth,
- massive,
- massy,
- mastodon,
- mermaid,
- merman,
- mess,
- mighty,
- miscreation,
- missing link,
- monstrosity,
- monstrous,
- monumental,
- mountainous,
- mugger,
- mutant,
- mutation,
- nightmare,
- nixie,
- no beauty,
- ogre,
- ogress,
- outsize,
- overgrown,
- phantom,
- prodigious,
- profound,
- rapist,
- revenant,
- revolutionary,
- roc,
- salamander,
- satyr,
- savage,
- scarebabe,
- scarecrow,
- scarer,
- sea horse,
- sea serpent,
- she-wolf,
- sight,
- siren,
- sizable,
- spacious,
- specter,
- spitfire,
- stupendous,
- succubus,
- teratism,
- termagant,
- terror,
- terrorist,
- tiger,
- tigress,
- titanic,
- tough,
- tough guy,
- towering,
- tremendous,
- troll,
- ugly customer,
- ugly duckling,
- unicorn,
- vampire,
- vast,
- violent,
- virago,
- vixen,
- voluminous,
- weighty,
- werewolf,
- whale,
- wild beast,
- windigo,
- witch,
- wolf,
- xiphopagus,
- zombie