Exact Match:
- neutral
- one who does not side with any party in a war or dispute
- of something that is lacking hue; "neutral colors like back or white"
- lacking distinguishing quality or characteristics; "a neutral personality that made no impression whatever"
- not supporting or favoring either side in a war, dispute, or contest
- neither moral nor immoral; neither good nor evil, right nor wrong
- possessing no distinctive quality or characteristics
- having no net electric charge; not electrified
- Hydromatic,
- Laodicean,
- Olympian,
- abstract,
- achromatic,
- achromic,
- aloof,
- anemic,
- anythingarian,
- apathetic,
- asexual,
- ashen,
- ashy,
- autarchic,
- autarkic,
- automatic transmission,
- autonomous,
- beige,
- bland,
- bled white,
- bloodless,
- broad,
- cadaverous,
- candid,
- castrated,
- centrist,
- changeable,
- chloranemic,
- cogwheel,
- cold,
- collective,
- colorless,
- compromiser,
- conservative,
- contemplative,
- cool,
- dead,
- deadly pale,
- deathly pale,
- detached,
- differential,
- differential gear,
- dim,
- dimmed,
- dingy,
- discolored,
- disinterested,
- dispassionate,
- do-nothing,
- dormant,
- drab,
- dull,
- ecru,
- emasculated,
- equitable,
- etiolated,
- eunuchized,
- even,
- evenhanded,
- exsanguinated,
- exsanguine,
- exsanguineous,
- faded,
- faint,
- fair,
- fallow,
- featureless,
- fence-sitter,
- fervorless,
- fifty-fifty,
- flat,
- free lance,
- free spirit,
- free trader,
- free-spirited,
- freethinker,
- freewheel,
- freewheeling,
- frigid,
- frustrated,
- gear,
- gear train,
- gearbox,
- gearing,
- gearshift,
- gearwheel,
- general,
- generalized,
- generic,
- ghastly,
- gray,
- haggard,
- half-and-half,
- halfhearted,
- high,
- hueless,
- hypochromic,
- idle,
- immobile,
- impartial,
- impersonal,
- impotent,
- inactive,
- indecisive,
- indefinite,
- independent,
- indeterminate,
- indifferent,
- indistinct,
- indistinguishable,
- individualist,
- individualistic,
- inert,
- infirm of purpose,
- infirm of will,
- inner-directed,
- insipid,
- intermediate,
- irresolute,
- isolationist,
- just,
- lackluster,
- laissez-aller,
- laissez-faire,
- latitudinarian,
- leaden,
- liberal,
- libertarian,
- libertine,
- livid,
- lofty,
- low,
- lukewarm,
- lurid,
- lusterless,
- mat,
- mealy,
- meditative,
- middle-of-the-roader,
- midway,
- milk-and-water,
- milky,
- moderate,
- moderationist,
- moderatist,
- motionless,
- muddy,
- mugwump,
- mugwumpian,
- mugwumpish,
- mushy,
- nebulous,
- neuter,
- nonaligned,
- noncommittal,
- noncommitted,
- nonpartisan,
- nonspecific,
- nothingarian,
- objective,
- on the fence,
- overdrive,
- pale,
- pale as death,
- pale-faced,
- pallid,
- paralytic,
- paralyzed,
- passive,
- pasty,
- perfunctory,
- procrastinating,
- quiescent,
- quietist,
- quietistic,
- rack,
- remote,
- removed,
- reverse,
- rugged individualist,
- sallow,
- self-contained,
- self-dependent,
- self-determined,
- self-directing,
- self-governed,
- self-governing,
- self-reliant,
- self-subsistent,
- self-sufficient,
- self-supporting,
- selfless,
- sexless,
- sickly,
- sovereign,
- stagnant,
- stagnating,
- standard transmission,
- standpat,
- static,
- stationary,
- stick shift,
- swing vote,
- synchromesh,
- tallow-faced,
- tasteless,
- tepid,
- third force,
- third world,
- third-force,
- third-world,
- toneless,
- transmission,
- unaffiliated,
- unallied,
- unbiased,
- uncharacterized,
- uncolored,
- uncommitted,
- uncommitted voter,
- undazzled,
- undifferentiated,
- uninfluenced,
- uninvolved,
- unjaundiced,
- unprejudiced,
- unprepossessed,
- unselfish,
- unsexed,
- unsexual,
- unspecified,
- unswayed,
- vague,
- vapid,
- vegetable,
- vegetative,
- wan,
- washed out,
- washed-out,
- watery,
- waxen,
- weak,
- whey-faced,
- white,
- wide,
- wishy-washy,
- withdrawn,
- zealless