- Lethean,
- absent,
- absent-minded,
- absentminded,
- absorbed,
- abstracted,
- airy,
- amnestic,
- asleep,
- bemused,
- blank,
- blankminded,
- blind,
- blind to,
- blocked,
- calm,
- careless,
- castle-building,
- casual,
- cataleptic,
- catatonic,
- cold,
- comatose,
- converted,
- cursory,
- daydreaming,
- daydreamy,
- dead,
- dead asleep,
- dead to,
- deaf,
- deaf to,
- deep asleep,
- degage,
- detached,
- disregardant,
- disregardful,
- distant,
- doped,
- dormant,
- dreaming,
- dreamy,
- drowsing,
- drugged,
- easygoing,
- ecstatic,
- elsewhere,
- empty,
- empty-headed,
- engrossed,
- faraway,
- fast asleep,
- fatuous,
- flaked-out,
- flippant,
- forgetful,
- forgetting,
- free and easy,
- half-awake,
- half-conscious,
- heedless,
- in a reverie,
- in the clouds,
- inane,
- inclined to forget,
- incogitant,
- incognizant,
- inconsiderate,
- indifferent,
- insensible,
- insensitive,
- insouciant,
- lazy,
- lost,
- lost in thought,
- lost to,
- meditative,
- mooning,
- moonraking,
- museful,
- musing,
- napping,
- narcotized,
- nirvanic,
- nodding,
- offhand,
- out,
- out cold,
- out of it,
- passive,
- pensive,
- perfunctory,
- pipe-dreaming,
- preoccupied,
- quietistic,
- rapt,
- reckless,
- regardless,
- relaxed,
- removed,
- repressed,
- respectless,
- semiconscious,
- senseless,
- sleeping,
- slumbering,
- somewhere else,
- sound asleep,
- spaced out,
- stargazing,
- stoned,
- strung out,
- suppressed,
- tactless,
- taken up,
- thoughtfree,
- thoughtless,
- tranquil,
- transported,
- unacquainted,
- unaware,
- unconcerned,
- unconscious,
- undiplomatic,
- unfamiliar,
- unfeeling,
- unheedful,
- unheeding,
- unideaed,
- uninformed,
- uninstructed,
- unintellectual,
- unknowing,
- unmindful,
- unoccupied,
- unprepared,
- unready,
- unreasoning,
- unsolicitous,
- untactful,
- unthinking,
- unwitting,
- vacant,
- vacuous,
- woolgathering,
- wrapped in thought,
- zonked,
- zonked out