Exact Match:
- omission
- a mistake resulting from neglect
- neglecting to do something; leaving out or passing over something
- any process whereby sounds are left out of spoken words or phrases
- something that has been omitted; "she searched the table for omissions"
- Sisyphean labor,
- abbreviation,
- abridgment,
- absence,
- arrearage,
- atrocity,
- bad policy,
- balk,
- ban,
- bar,
- barring,
- beggary,
- bevue,
- blank,
- blockade,
- blue-penciling,
- bowdlerization,
- boycott,
- breach,
- break,
- cancellation,
- censoring,
- censorship,
- chasm,
- circumscription,
- crime,
- crime against humanity,
- culpa,
- culpable negligence,
- deadly sin,
- debarment,
- debarring,
- defalcation,
- default,
- defect,
- defectiveness,
- deficiency,
- deficit,
- deletion,
- delinquency,
- demarcation,
- deprivation,
- dereliction,
- destitution,
- disconformity,
- discontinuity,
- disregard,
- dropping,
- drought,
- editing,
- elimination,
- embargo,
- endless task,
- enormity,
- erasure,
- error,
- evil,
- exception,
- excision,
- excluding,
- exclusion,
- expurgation,
- failure,
- false move,
- false step,
- famine,
- fault,
- felony,
- gap,
- genocide,
- guilty act,
- heavy sin,
- hiatus,
- imperfection,
- impolicy,
- impoverishment,
- impropriety,
- inadmissibility,
- inadvertence,
- inadvertency,
- inattention,
- incompleteness,
- indiscretion,
- inexecution,
- inexpedience,
- inexpediency,
- inexpiable sin,
- iniquity,
- injunction,
- injury,
- injustice,
- inobservance,
- interval,
- laches,
- lack,
- lacuna,
- laissez-faire,
- lapse,
- lapsus calami,
- lapsus linguae,
- laxity,
- laxness,
- leaving out,
- lockout,
- loose ends,
- loose thread,
- looseness,
- maladministration,
- malefaction,
- malfeasance,
- malpractice,
- malum,
- minor wrong,
- misadministration,
- misconduct,
- miscue,
- misdeed,
- misdemeanor,
- misdirection,
- misfeasance,
- misgovernment,
- misguidance,
- mishandling,
- mismanagement,
- misrule,
- missing link,
- misstep,
- mortal sin,
- narrowing,
- need,
- neglect,
- neglectfulness,
- negligence,
- nonaccomplishment,
- nonachievement,
- nonadherence,
- nonadmission,
- noncompliance,
- nonconformance,
- nonconformity,
- nonconsummation,
- nondischarging,
- nonexecution,
- nonfeasance,
- nonfulfillment,
- noninterference,
- nonobservance,
- nonperformance,
- nonrestriction,
- offense,
- omitting,
- outage,
- outrage,
- overlook,
- overlooking,
- oversight,
- peccadillo,
- peccancy,
- permissiveness,
- poor stewardship,
- preclusion,
- preterition,
- procrastination,
- prohibition,
- rejection,
- relegation,
- remissness,
- repudiation,
- restriction,
- rough edges,
- shortage,
- shortcoming,
- shortfall,
- sin,
- sin of commission,
- sin of omission,
- sinful act,
- skip,
- skipping,
- slackness,
- slight,
- slip,
- slipup,
- starvation,
- striking,
- stumble,
- taboo,
- tort,
- transgression,
- trespass,
- trip,
- ullage,
- unfulfillment,
- unobservance,
- unrigorousness,
- unutterable sin,
- venial sin,
- want,
- wantage,
- work of Penelope,
- wrong,
- wrong step,
- wrongdoing