- acid,
- angry,
- beefing,
- bellyaching,
- bitching,
- caustic,
- cheerless,
- complaining,
- complaintful,
- corrosive,
- crabbing,
- crabby,
- cranky,
- croaking,
- disappointed,
- discontented,
- disgruntled,
- displeased,
- dissatisfied,
- envious,
- faultfinding,
- feeling evil,
- grim,
- griping,
- grouchy,
- grousing,
- growling,
- grumbling,
- humorless,
- in bad humor,
- infestive,
- joyless,
- malcontent,
- malcontented,
- mirthless,
- miserable,
- murmuring,
- muttering,
- out of sorts,
- out of temper,
- peevish,
- petulant,
- pleasureless,
- querulant,
- querulous,
- rebellious,
- resentful,
- restive,
- restless,
- sorry,
- sorryish,
- sulky,
- unaccepting,
- unaccommodating,
- uncheerful,
- uncheery,
- uneasy,
- unfulfilled,
- ungratified,
- unhappy,
- unjoyful,
- unmirthful,
- unsatisfied,
- unsmiling,
- whiny,
- wretched